Military base set ablaze by Ukraine filled with ‘glide bombs’ | Ukraine: The Latest

Day 912.

Today, we assess the fast-moving situation on the frontlines in both Ukraine and Russia, reflect on what may prove to be an important meeting in Kyiv tomorrow, and hear memories and confessions from the team of the war in Bosnia.


Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.
Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.
Hamish de Bretton Gordon (Former Tank Commander). @HamishDBG on X.

Content Referenced:

Putin is on the ropes – it’s time to launch Storm Shadow missiles (Hamish in The Telegraph):

Storm Shadow should be unshackled to help Ukraine in Kursk (Hamish in Forces News:

Russia Hunts Down Deserters to Backfill Its Massive War Losses (Wall Street Journal):

‘I never worked for the Russians’ – punished by Kyiv for being a collaborator (BBC):

Nine Lives: My Time As MI6’s Top Spy Inside al-Qaeda by Aimen Dean

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  1. Dom will explain that a town is twenty kilometers north of another town , sixty kilometers east of another town and five kilometers west of a village. Since I don't know any of these towns or villages all the words were meaningless. Walter Cronkite didn't explain how a hand grenade works In the middle of a report about american vietnamese deaths.

  2. “In the past 24 hours, the AFU [Armed Forces of Ukraine] losses amounted to up to 400 Ukrainian troops and 17 armored vehicles, including one tank, two armored personnel carriers, 14 armored fighting vehicles, two artillery guns, one MLRS launcher, two mortars, and 10 motor vehicles,” the Russian ministry said.

    “Since the beginning of hostilities in Kursk region, the AFU losses amounted to up to 5,137 Ukrainian troops, 69 tanks, 27 infantry fighting vehicles, 55 armored personnel carriers, 350 armored fighting vehicles, 158 motor vehicles, 34 artillery guns, five SAM [surface-to-air missile] launchers, 11 multiple-launch rocket systems, including three of HIMARS system and one of MLRS [multiple launch rocket] system, six electronic warfare stations, as well as four units of engineering vehicles, including two counter obstacle vehicles and one UR-77 mine clearing vehicle,” it concluded.

  3. What if all NATO troops who shared country borders with Russia would amass large armies along the border. Then Putin would have to start pulling people from Ukraine to be on the ready for these possible attacks? That’s what he did with Ukraine before he attacked so maybe he would assume the same thing. Couldn’t hurt right? If nothing else good training. And now Belarus is doing it!

  4. Modi is a snake. He tries to be a super power, which he is far from. I don’t see him lasting but he won’t go if outvoted, as with all pretend democracies. I wouldn’t trust him as an ally to the West, as far as I could throw him. He seems to have a huge chip on his shoulder where Britain is concerned.

  5. Ukrainian forces will try to attack the Tendra Spit and the Kinburn Spit in the Kherson Region from the Black Sea and the Dnieper-Bug estuary, regional Governor Vladimir Saldo said.

    "According to the information at hand, there is a large number of unmanned boats, assault boats and helicopters among the equipment deployed there. Clearly, the enemy will once again try to land at the Tendra Spit and the Kinburn Spit from the Black Sea and the Dnieper-Bug estuary with the only goal to put up flags there and show the West that they have allegedly gained a foothold in the Kherson Region," he wrote on Telegram.

    "NATO Special Operations Forces are coordinating the deadly plan. As always, the act of provocation has been scheduled for a symbolic date, Ukraine’s Independence Day," Saldo added.

  6. Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov is expected to return home from Washington in October, a diplomatic source in Moscow told TASS.

    "As for Antonov’s return from Washington, preliminarily, this will happen in October, the source said.

    Antonov, 69, has been Russia’s Ambassador to the United States since August 2017. Prior to that, he was Russian deputy defense and foreign minister.

  7. Ukraine’s administration is filled with Zionist Jews that cannot be trusted and are full of lies from morning till midnight And the British are supporting all of the corruption and lies that come out of Ukraine

  8. seems to me the country of my birth has handled this "project Ukraine" horribly. Ukraine is a cash cow for uniparty America. when all is said and done, Ukraine will probably not be much of a country after the west divides it up with Poland, Hungary, Russian Federation. Odesa will be in the Russian spere of influence where it belongs. UK and the weak states of NATO with still be lead by the USA leash. Europe is a dying old man of the globe. Russian Federation will NEVER have Ukraina NATO member on its western boundaries. It will not be Putin making that decision but Russia.

  9. Haha. Look at this pathetic lying attempt to convince anyone that the psychopathic state of Ukraine has a remote chance of not being completely destroyed through its propaganda and terroristic actions!

  10. Best wishes and good luck to Russia in pursuing their investigation of an illegal border crossing by a CNN journalist! That's the sort of Invasion the Russian security forces are capable of handling…..
    Regarding Syria, let's not forget that the West did indeed try to intervene in Syria to oppose Assad. The problem is that the opposition to Assad is so fractured and disparate, with a range of agenda, and all completely untrustworthy, that the west simply could not work out who it was safe or effective to support.

  11. I think Dom touches on a way to beat Russia, they are recruiting and training new soldiers at the same rate they are losing them. This is a balance system, one-in one-out. Now, developing the frontline and stretching the Ruskies past their paper thin margins to maintain an operating army to the point that soldiers production is less than soldiers loss. The house of cards could collapse (suddenly?)

  12. India is probably peeved with the situation in Ukraine, while the war runs on India economically benefits from cheap oil. Now that oil depots in Russia burn that cheap oil is drying up.

  13. UATL gone rogue! DTDK (Don’t Tell David Knowles) shall be a proper branding for future episodes such as this. Spin the war yarns. PNW US sends.

  14. 😊😊😊❤❤❤Слава великой России! ❣🙏🏻💥💦❣💥💥ZZZZZZZ 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 Да здравствует Путин! Long live Putin🙏🏻🤞✊❣💦💥😊😊❤❤❤❤❤

  15. With Zelenski stupidity your country eventually end up in a borders of a Snake Island!
    By the way, why ukrainians adapted internationally recognized flag of retarded people??

  16. good example of "manufactured concent".

    No mention of a biggest Russian rocket and drone attack over night which wiped electricity and water supplies across entire country and wiped all airfields across Ukranian territory. gas storage facility was hit again in West Ukraine. Total failure of Ukrainian air defence and no sign of new western aircrafts.

    Plus not a word about massive Russian advance on front line in Donbass area, where Ukrainian defence collapsed allowing the fastest Russian advancement since 2022.

  17. The Telegraph Joseph Goebbels Propaganda Kompanie channel is still at it. Broadcasting megaphone pap for the moronic masses. According to the Telegraph, Russia ran out of bombs missiles, artillery, computer chips and conscripts back in 2022! 😮😅😂

  18. One corrupt country fighting another corrupt country. Fanboying for one country or the other doesn't make sense.

    Waiting for the rest of humanity to realize theyre all dirty. Ukraine isnt faultless, neither is Russia.

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