Two loons make a right…

Two loons make a right…

Posted by Rolltop

  1. Horseshoe theory is lazy political science. The reality is much simpler: grifters and authoritarians aren’t motivated by political ideology at all. Their motivations are money and power.

  2. Off topic, but why does the picture of RFK Jr. look like he has a black eye, and if so, that was the look he went with for the endorsement?

  3. They want in on the Trump dying-in-office lottery.

    He’s on his last leg one way or another, and whoever is VP and Cabinet could help autocracy flourish and make themselves powerful and wealthy.

  4. The fact that Tulsi Gabbard still is an officer in the Army Reserve and has a security clearance showcases every problem the military has in security vetting and political extremism within the service

  5. horseshoe theory is bs. These two creeps just sold out to fox news. Note that bernie sanders is center left compared to most politicians in europe. Harris and Walz are quite center right compared to europe. Theres alot of room to the left for san and smart people, but america is kinda allergic to actual left wing ideas.

    When you get to the fringes, the idea of a linear left/right breaks down because they were never left/right. Just crazies that glom onto one idea or the next, and are VERY open to russian propaganda.

  6. **Oh yeah? How about this – man? – I don’t even know what to call you: you tell me why you look like you headbutted a belt sander, and I’ll let you empty Don’s diaper, right now.**

  7. 2 Bernie supporters switched to Trump but 9-13 million people who voted for Bernie in the ‘16 or ‘20 primaries are still supporting Kamala. Why does this support the existence of Horseshoe Theory?

    These guys are blatant grifters. They’ve always had questionable views that didn’t fit neatly into either party so it’s not surprising they’re willing to flip flop to whomever gives the better offer.

    Also, there’s been many more Republicans who switched to voting for Kamala or at least against Trump, including Liz Cheney, one of the most extreme house conservatives, and Stephanie Grisham, one of the worst press secretaries in modern history serving under Trump

  8. Gonna be devastating when, after much soul searching, Matt Taibbi and Tim Pool decide to give their completely non-partisan support to Trump as well 🙄

  9. Says nothing about horseshoe theory, they are simply grifters, that follow the smell of money and power. Not much else.

  10. But why did they endorse him?

    It’s possible they saw him as a wedge to divide the Democratic party.

  11. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. The worm crunch n muchin on his brain aged him 80 years since 2016.

  12. Two assholes being right doesn’t mean much, but they were right Bernie would’ve won 2016. Hillary was a party killing failure. I hope Kamala can win this time, but it’s a shame dems have not addressed any of their policies in the years since. Still ‘status quo but R is so bad’ which only goes so far.

  13. I kind of hate to say it, and not that like Trump he was complicit in it, but the Russians used Bernie’s candidacy as a tool to disrupt the election. They funded his campaign in hopes of drawing support from Clinton. I think it was better documented in the 2020 cycle, but in both cases, there was unwitting Russian support to split the vote and create conflict with in “blue” voters to help Trump.

  14. Yeah this isn’t horseshoe theory. This is just two grifters who’s whole thing is that “DeM eLiTeS bAd”

  15. When you stop and realize how many hardcore Bernie supporters have become alt-right or alt-right adjacent over the last eight years, it’s actually kind of shocking.

  16. Lol, neither of them were ever left. Both just grifters who know it is easier to grift on the right.

  17. Just to discourage dem voters and sow discord.

    Bernie himself endorsed Hillary but the online GOP supporters (foreign and domestic) pushed the narrative that the DNC did Bernie dirty in order to help Trump.

    It worked.

    Now look at the Supreme Court. 🙁

  18. Has anybody besides Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. ever cared what Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. thinks? Honest question.

  19. Does he have a black eye in that photo, or is it just bad lighting? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of RFK Jr. where he hasn’t looked like hell.

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