Russia is signaling it could take out the West’s internet and GPS. There’s no good backup plan.

Russia is signaling it could take out the West’s internet and GPS. There’s no good backup plan.

Posted by newzee1

  1. We had

    D E C A D E S







    To plan for GPS and undersea cable redundancies.

    If they take it out we deserve it for being utterly and completely idiotic in the handling of our key infrastructure. I utterly hate that this is even on the table but I guess sinking trillions into the bureaucracy and ineffectual prestige projects just kind of took precedence to national security.

  2. Can’t see Russia managing to sever internet cables and get away with it as a “grey zone” action.

    However, I can see something like this happening much more than a nuclear strike if Russia’s existence is “threatened” from its point of view.

  3. They have been doing this for years. They even use “fishing” vessels to cut scientific underwater cables. And they may threaten to cut the main lines but they wouldn’t dare.

  4. Sounds like that’d probably trigger article 5 and end with the utter destruction of the Russian Federation, even without battle; bc Russia is a sick old man teetering on the brink of death as a consequence of their own stubborn idiocy and greed.

    Good riddance.

  5. Fascinating. The issue for a would be navigation aggressor is there are 5 global positioning systems owned by 5 different countries around the world. If Russia destroyed the GPS constellations we would still have access to BeiDou and Galileo which would be more than enough to position with almost everywhere on Earth (you only need 4 visible satellites to calc a position).

    If Russia wanted to fully disable GNSS they would have to also attack China and the EU. It would be very bold.

    Scary thing is though you absolutely want to strike first, imagine trying to enter into a global conflict without GPS?

  6. They wouldn‘t do that. If Russia would take out the West‘s Internet, they would take a large portion of their own misinformation-campaigns down with it.

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