This isn’t “weird” at all

This isn’t “weird” at all

Posted by Melodic_Oil_2486

  1. What is it with Donold and having to “thumbs up” everything. Read the room Donnie.

  2. Forgive my ignorance but what are the “horns” for?

    Edit: my brains telling me it might have been something the fallen soldier used a lot in pictures?

  3. Disrespectful to those who lost their lives defending our country. Arlington is not supposed to be used for political purposes. Not a place to smile.

  4. Assholes taking a thoroughly disrespectful asshole illegal photo op after being assholes to the Arlington staff who told them it was illegal and tried to stop the assholes from being assholes but the assholes literally shoved him aside to be extra assholish.

    The only people who think this is cool or good are assholes.

  5. Trump being a ghoul is to be expected but the family is also weird. Our family member died lets all smile with Trump at their grave.

  6. They broke the Arlington rules and physically confronted a female staff member. They topped it off by claiming she was a “mentally ill person.” She was simply enforcing the cemetery rules that the campaign had agreed to.

  7. Thumbs up a soldier died??? What a fucking weird photo op. The family who went along with this needs their heads checked. Also, they need to put in place some security or something at Arlington to keep this shit in check.

  8. The most republican thing about this isn’t that Trump did it, it’s that the people around him were totally comfortable with letting him use their dead loved one as a political prop.

  9. Everything is a “look at me” photo op. He has zero compassion, no empathy or respect, and completely lacks a shred of humility.

  10. Just what the hell is he giving the thumbs up to? The fact he’s there for a photo op or the dead soldier he’s standing on? If this dy prove the guy has no class, nothy does.

  11. It’s not weird… this is fucking disrespectful and illegal. He does lots of other weird things, but this is total shit.

  12. What the fuck. Im outraged.

    He called all these war dead losers and suckers.

    What the actual F are these people doing. I can’t think of a way to be more disrespectful than whatever this bullshit is, minus actually taking a dump on top of the graves. And there’s no guarantee that’s not happening in this picture. 😡🤬🤬

  13. They desecrated Arlington National with this bullshit and their physical attacks on the hard-working staff there.

  14. Some things:
    Two of the women are making hand signs, the one white shirt/black skirt and the one in blue dress with sweater.

    The one nearest trump looks like maybe an attempt at WP.
    The other- same thing?

    Embiggen the photo and look at how badly tailored his pants are. Do you suppose he just has them done without actually being fitted; just gives measurements for his alleged height?

    Look at how canted forward he stands! I know it’s his usual stance, but it looks even more odd next to other regular people.

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