MRW major news organizations are sitting on leaked Trump Campaign emails and aren’t reporting on them

MRW major news organizations are sitting on leaked Trump Campaign emails and aren’t reporting on them

Posted by Scuczu2

  1. i think most respectable news organizations (aka not right wing outlets) would work to verify leaked emails before reporting on them and i’d imagine verifying *anything* related to that con artist and the grifters in his orbit is a time consuming process.

  2. The daily from NYT just did an episode on them and said there wasn’t much to report. 

  3. If you think they aren’t, you haven’t been paying attention.

    They don’t want to release the leak itself because it was part of a hack, and they don’t want to encourage hackers.

    However, have you noticed a steady stream of skeletons from JD Vance’s closet? Have you noticed that once a week they manage to come up with something stupid he said in the last 5 years?

    They are using the leak as an unverified source. They are getting independent sources to confirm (edit: or finding original film/audio themselves), then release the info. That’s how journalism works.

  4. How many times do we have to go over this?!?!

    Only hacked information that hurts Democrats can be released. Republican dirty laundry must be kept secret because of “journalistic integrity” …or something.

  5. The media fucking loves trump. He drives rating. He gives them a ton of content.

    They don’t want people thinking this is going to be a runaway win for Kamala. They want them thinking this is a super close race and that there is a high chance trump wins again. This keeps them watching their networks.

  6. Biden with his Scotus stamped presidential immunity should consider releasing them for the good of the election

  7. Lol.

    Not leaked, but likely stolen. That said, it’s soooooooooooooo fucking rich given the Hillary meme.

    Like, oh, so now we’re trying to have journalistic ethics.

  8. She looks like M. Emmet Walsh’s character at the end of “Jonas” (Tales from the Crypt).

  9. I’ve lost faith in national news outlets in the last month. I used to watch Lester Holt faithfully, but change the channel now and listen to the Midas Touch. Main stream media isn’t reporting all the news anymore. Just protecting republicans.

  10. Oh, they will be released no when they will do the most damage (she says with hope and crossed fingers and toes.)

  11. I wish I had the article but I remember vividly after the election reading from a major publication of how MANY political figures also have private email servers, including (make up your imagination + Donald Trump, of course)

    Basically, if you voted against Hiliary because you thought she was hiding EMAILS…you were a fucking damn fool. It’s as dumb as a voter who knows Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies and is still going “….BUT I DON’T WANT MY PARTY TO LOSE!”

  12. I assume, any decent news outlet needs to verify what’s in the leaks before they report it. Just because someone sent them an email, doesn’t mean it’s true. Now, that wouldn’t stop something like Fox News or Newsmax. But real news outlets should hold to that.

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