Trump’s Arlington stunt should be a campaign-ending disgrace

Trump’s Arlington stunt should be a campaign-ending disgrace

Posted by Wandering_News_Junky

  1. He has a “campaign-ending disgrace” almost every day at this point.

    For some reason the normal rules of behavior just don’t apply to him.

  2. They have no shame. They suffer no embarrassment. They have no empathy. This incident will not move the needle one bit for them.

    When he dies, they will need to post 24/7 guards. There will be a line to either spit or piss on his grave.

  3. He’s done at least 5-6 things that should be campaign enders. He will never be held accountable. It’s terrible.

  4. Convicted felon trump once again proves him self to be a dishonor to the American people. I thought he couldn’t get any lower than selling beans from the white house. This is a new low.

  5. Pffft… the list of shit that should have ended him is miles long by now. Let me know when he actually goes to prison or dies

  6. Why didn’t Trumps camera guy take a picture of Trumps bone spurs to prove he could not fight during Vietnam?

    Trump was sent off to a military academy during his high school years ?

  7. trump IS a campaign ending disgrace. The problem is a huge population of Americans have no shame.

  8. Classic Waddles. He wants something, the rules forbid it, but he doesn’t care. Forget why the rules exist, the gassy orange feeb wants something, and that’s it, everyone clear a path. He’s worse than a toddler.

  9. Throw billboards up in all the swing states, especially those with military presence. Show his idiotic smile and thumbs up at the gravesite. Overlay the all-caps words “LOSERS AND SUCKERS.” At the bottom a quick call to action like “Don’t vote this dangerous weirdo.”

  10. How many of these will he blow right past without ending his disgraceful campaign? But it should, that’s true…

  11. I note Mango Mussolini never bothered to pay his “Respects” prior to this little show…

  12. At this point it’s a game of who can spin the wildest take to defend whatever goofy stunt he pulls.

  13. As if we haven’t got enough disgrace from Trump

    * organized and led a plot to have fake votes created and then used to make him President despite losing the election[](

    * Lost the election[]( ⁠⁠⁠⁠

    * Sent an armed angry mob to Congress and told them they need to fight like hell. []( ⁠⁠

    * Approved of the mob saying “hang Mike Pence”.[](,Trump%20expressed%20support%20for%20hanging%20Pence%20during%20Capitol%20riot%2C%20Jan,2%2C%20three%20people%20told%20POLITICO.) ⁠⁠⁠⁠

    * Was found liable for sexual assault[](

    * Was found guilty of defrauding his university students. [](

    * Was found guilty of inflating his assets to get favorable loans. []( ⁠⁠⁠⁠

    * Admitted to walking in on minors pageant contestants dressing rooms. []( ⁠⁠⁠⁠

    * Stole from a kids’s cancer charity.[]( ⁠⁠⁠⁠

    * Received $413 million inheritance despite claims that he’s a self made man.[]( ⁠⁠⁠⁠

    * Blocked his chronically ill infant nephew from getting any of that inheritance.[]( ⁠⁠⁠⁠

    * Is the first president to receive votes against him from his own party during impeachment.[]( ⁠⁠⁠⁠

    * Led USA into being one of the worst hit during Covid despite our head start and resources. []( ⁠⁠⁠⁠

    * Was ranked as the worst president in history by presidential historians.[]( ⁠⁠⁠⁠

    * Ordered republicans to block a bipartisan immigration bill so Biden would not get a win before the election.[]( ⁠⁠⁠

    * Is a convicted felon, guilty of felony falsifying records based on evidence showing he was attempting to influence an election[]( ⁠⁠⁠

  14. There have been dozens of “this will destroy Trump” “this will end his campaign”. I ignore all those.

  15. Trump is morally bankrupt and a phoney, depraved media hog. November can’t come fast enough to vanquish this orange stain to the dustbin of history.

  16. I guarantee you it was that Steven Cheung idiot, he’s one of the weirdest in the Trump, third only to Trump and Vance.

  17. Trump’s MAGA crowd busting into the Capital and trying to overturn the election by force should’ve disqualified him from ever running again, but… here we are.

  18. But it’s not because BIDEN WAS ON VACATION! And Harris doesn’t care about our troops.

    The cult conveniently glosses over things like respect and decorum.

  19. Yeah he’s had like 25 campaign ending disgraces and still not a deal breaker for the braindead cultists

  20. The campaign ending disgrace should have been right after his famous golden escalator ride when he said Mexico was not sending their best- or after the grab em by the pussy remark. But here we are. Nothing will change his base’s opinion at this point other than losing the popular vote for the 3rd time.

  21. Trump is held to a different standard because he has no shame and has been doing things like this for the last 10 years so everyone is desensitized.

  22. Breaking and entering and trespassing on federal land…

    I’m pretty sure that warrants an arrest to start off the preceedings

  23. Smiling and giving the thumbs up at place that honors those died defending the country should have been the worst thing you can do at a military grave site but he took it further by forcing his way into area off limits for media then lying that they were allow to do so then cherry on top used a family visiting dead soldier for a photo op.

  24. It’s nice to see that the Marines aren’t upset by this. Tik Tokers will be pissing on their graves for internet clout now.

    I expect to see a good prank on Youtube where an influencer shits at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

    This guy was their Commander in Cheif and sold their asses to Putin and they still voted for him.

  25. His mocking a handicapped reporter should have been during his first campaign. That it wasn’t says everything you need to know about republicans character.

  26. Couldn’t agree more, especially after he was the one that destabilized Afghanistan with agreeing to release 5000 Taliban fighters from prison with their leaders for a “peaceful” American exit that ended up being a typical Trump failure plan orchestrated by Mike Pompeo.

  27. Him mocking that disabled reporter on live TV in front of a stadium full of people 8 years ago or however long it was should’ve been career ending. Instead it made them like him even more. Him being labeled a rapist by a judge should’ve been career-ending. Him stealing from his own children’s cancer charity should’ve been career-ending.

    Nothing he does will ever make the cult stop worshipping him.

  28. If it had been Harris instead of Donald, the story on Fox News would be “Presidential candidate’s team roughs up guard at Arlington cemetery and trespasses in off-limits area, once again showing lack of respect for fallen US soldiers”.

  29. It should be, but since 2015 he has had a few dozen campaign ending disgraces.

    Remember when he mocked a reporters disability?

    Remember “grab them by the pussy”?

    Remember when he said joining the military was for suckers?

    Remember when he became a 34 count felon?

    Remember when he spent a press conference kiss Putin’s ass?

    Remember when he tried to overthrow the government?

    Remember when he announced a fund raiser to help the traitors who tried to overthrow throw the government?

    Remember “very fine people on both sides”?

    Remember when he demanded loyalty oaths?

    Remember when he made his properties a way for foreign governments to send him money?

    Remember when he said the American government was just wrong, and Russia didn’t interfere in the election?

    Remember when he appointed his family to roles they legally shouldn’t have and had no qualifications for?

    Remember when he violated the constitution with a religious focused travel ban?

    Remember when he wouldn’t release his tax returns? Repeatedly?

    Remember when he told cops to rough up suspects?

    Remember when he tried to buy Greenland?

    Remember when he wanted to nuke a hurricane and also lied about the path projection?

    Remember when he hired and pardoned Flynn, a spy for Russia?

    Remember when he openly on TV asked Russia to interfere in the election?

    Remember when he accused Obama of spying on him despite exactly zero evidence?

    Remember when he cut funding for pandemic planning and ended the pandemic early warning unit, and then we had a pandemic?

    Remember when he suggested that you take a horse paste for parasites to treat a virus?

    Or the UV lights?

    Remember when he stole classified documents and literally committed treason?

    Remember when he gave a “thumbs up” photo op with a child that just lost both parents?

    Remember when he just walked out during a presidential medal of freedom ceremony because he apparently got bored?

    Remember when he asked Georgia to find him some votes?

    Remember when he flushed official documents down the toilet?

    That isn’t even a complete list. Now tell me, which of those should _not_ have been a career/campaign ender?

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