Donald Trump Sparks Outrage After Posing Happily Amid Arlington Cemetery Graves

Donald Trump Sparks Outrage After Posing Happily Amid Arlington Cemetery Graves

Posted by Blue_Wave2024

  1. Neither Biden, who’s America’s first part time President, or Harris bothered to show up to Arlington to honor the 13 service members killed an Abbey Gate during the disastrous Afghanistan troop withdrawal. Neither Biden or Harris ever contacted the families of these brave Americans that died serving their country. Truly despicable.

    President Joe Biden has “never once reached out to any of our families. Kamala Harris has never reached out,” said Cheryl Juels, aunt of Marine Corps Sergeant Nicole Gee. “The only person who has reached out to our family over and over again — and all 13 families — is Trump.”

  2. Another symptom of severe dementia. Nothing new. He needs to be in an assisted living facility getting the treatment he needs.

  3. These headlines bug me. Yeah, it sparked outrage… among people that were probably already voting for Harris. Change the minds of people that don’t already agree with

  4. TBF, the families there seemed very happy with him and his behavior. Isn’t he there to support and cheer up the families?

  5. What’ll he do tomorrow? One of his awkward white dude dances in front of the fucking holocaust museum?

  6. This is a man who did a photoshoot at a church during a riot. His followers won’t care. This kind of weird behavior is all on brand.

  7. In all my years in planet Earth, I’ve never seen a more despicable creature than that thing the GOP adores

  8. This dude is obtuse if he doesn’t realize that everytime he mentions the military, he reminds people of his own unwillingness to serve when the country called him. Instead, he plead “bonespurs, sir!”

  9. If it were raining he would have cancelled so he could stay in and tweet about whatever fox news was discussing. Like he did on D Day memorial.

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