Trump’s Arlington stunt should be a campaign-ending disgrace

Trump’s Arlington stunt should be a campaign-ending disgrace

Posted by likeaforest

  1. Yet you have mfers defending this stunt. Because Obama was walking in the cemetery once and someone decided to take his picture. And somehow that is the same as Trump using dead soldiers as a prop for his campaign, while being told no by the staff.

  2. Alas there’s nothing he can do that would be a campaign ending disgrace. Even calling veterans “suckers and losers” didn’t do it. Even 34 felony counts didn’t do it.

  3. Spoiler Alert: It won’t end anything. DonOLD lacks the capacity to feel shame. He’s done literally thousands of things that would have ended any other candidate in the last 8 years…

  4. But it won’t be because laws don’t matter and somehow he gets a free pass from the “liberal media” over and over and over. 

  5. It’s gonna be forgotten about in like five minutes. I doubt FOX news hosts went anywhere near it..

  6. If the stuff he has already done didn’t get him out, this won’t either. His followers are truly blind, deaf and dumb sheep.

  7. Yeah lol this is horseshit. The only way the felonious Teflon Don is going to meet an end is when he eventually keels over from natural causes. He’s a useful idiot, through and through, and a great pincushion\stalking horse for Heritage and the Soviets to use, abuse and dangle out there.

    With our luck that’s another 20 years away.

    Even losing the election won’t make a change.

    MMW he’ll never pay a settlement, he’ll never see a day in jail. His estate may finally pay out, but not before his kids fight everything for DECADES.

    Your best bet is to check your voter registration, vote, hold any Democrats accountable to making changes that will last (codify the shit FFS), voteo out more Republicans, hold Democrats to account and hit his powerbase in the pocket books – [](

  8. Trump: “My only regret is there was no foreign diplomat to shove aside or queen to step in front of.”

  9. We had a candidate that laughed oddly, another that was ACCUSED of an affair and a vice president that misspelled potato that all fell from grace yet this horrible horrible man keeps getting a pass. I don’t think I will ever understand

  10. I doubt that, in any case VOTE! Blue down the ticket so we can get things MOVING FORWARD!

  11. Should be. But won’t. If they start to say this is wrong they have to look at what else is wrong. Then they have to admit he’s garbage

  12. SHOULD BE! Ha, there’s all kinds of shit that SHOULD BE!

    Here four-five years later we’re still waiting for court dates for many of his crimes.

    It won’t be though, he and his “entitled followers” could care less as the rules don’t apply to them and our Courts basically allow this to be the case.

  13. Why even keep saying this kind of thing? He’s been doing shit for a decade that should have ended him.

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