Maybe she should’ve prayed to God to give her strength not to commit treason

Maybe she should’ve prayed to God to give her strength not to commit treason

Posted by semaforic

  1. Considering Trump instigated the whole thing, then abandoned his followers.. he’s had a bigger hand in putting that monitor on her leg than Biden.

  2. imagine being a part of the “law and order” party, and then posting this unironicly.

  3. Fine. Take off the anklet and throw her in a fucking cell.

    Jesus. The level of entitlement here.

  4. She sure has a big old smile on her face for being such a “victim”


  5. Most great grandmothers aren’t treason weasels. Makes sense to monitor if she continues to meet with insurrectionists.

  6. Obviously she is ignorant and gullible. It’s a good idea to have her under observation before another con artist like Trump takes advantage of her.

  7. Many republican voters are grandparents and someone should tell them it doesn’t excuse treason.

  8. She’s lucky we’re not in 1776… traitors were tarred and feathered, if not worse

  9. If she’s a grandmother, isn’t her role then to stay at home and watch the kids anyhow?

  10. This is the same type of person okay with a man doing decades in prison for having a bag of weed. They’re all hypocritical garbage.

  11. So is she Antifa? BLM? Or perhaps FBI? She has to be one of these, right? It’s interesting they’re so concerned about a sentence handed out to members of these groups.

  12. Laws apply to everybody.

    Well, except the wealthy, politicians, law enforcement…

  13. 6months probation for trying to over throw the government…. This is gonna happen again only so much worse after this election

  14. Republicans: how could some old person do treason?

    Also Republicans: Joe Biden is an old traitor and old people can’t possibly lead

    Also also Republicans: Trump is neither old nor a traitor and everyone else is delusional!

    lol imagine living in a conservatives head. The mental gymnastics on a daily basis must be dizzying.

  15. With that logic: Imagine a group of people fought your family while forcefully breaking into your house but one of them just wanted to come in and pray. All good then?

  16. She, along with an overwhelming majority of Jan 6ers got off with, basically, a slap on the wrist. They should all have been charged with sedition and gone to jail for multiple years.

    If that was a BLM protest that breached the capitol, there would have been a thousand bodies on the steps and in the hallways. And conservatives would have applauded. Fox News would have said it was a great day for democracy.

  17. Raheem’s going to think it’s sooooooo funny when he’s in a Trump branded detention center for being the wrong model of human.

  18. did she have federal authorization to enter the Capitol? no? then she committed a crime. do the crime, do the time.

  19. That lady looks like she had her kid when she was 16 and her kid probably had the grandbaby at 16 too, cue the banjos

  20. Woman convicted of crime wears ankle monitor so police can monitor her location so she doesn’t violate her conditions of release.

    She is a convicted criminal.

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