Once again the Convicted Felon breaks the law. He illegally goes to Arlington Cemetery to take a campaign photo op over the grave of a fallen soldier whose death he was responsible for. Just another day at the office for the most disgusting human being to ever seek the presidency

Once again the Convicted Felon breaks the law. He illegally goes to Arlington Cemetery to take a campaign photo op over the grave of a fallen soldier whose death he was responsible for. Just another day at the office for the most disgusting human being to ever seek the presidency


Posted by newzee1

  1. The number of people who go up in arms about stolen valor, and still support Trump. I guess he’s never claimed he’s served, but he pretends he likes vets while saying vile shit whenever he’s not doing a photo op.

  2. That’s not the worst of it. A bunch of folks, including vets will vote for this dude in november.

  3. It is still neck and neck in the polls. Nothing he does, good or bad, will change that.

    It all comes down to the 30% who couldn’t be bothered to vote previously, actually registering to vote and turning up on the day.

  4. We’re all just props in the Donnie Dingus Show, starring Donnie Dingus. He is the universe’s center of attention, and everyone and everything else pales in significance. He’d beat your grandmother to death with a basket full of puppies for thirty seconds of camera time, then say he was merely giving her the basket for safekeeping, and she must have been “crazy” or something, and the video footage was “fake news”.

  5. His disrespect for veterans, especially wounded ones, and dead soldiers is so consistent and so bizarre. Like, I am by no means a “rah rah glorify the military” type, but god damn dude. What does he have against them?

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