What on earth is this? Have I got a new pet?

by r0bbyr0b2

  1. Looks like a skink, but it could be a common lizard. If it’s a skink, it’s probably an escaped pet. If it’s a common lizard, it’s illegal to capture it.

  2. claim it and bond with it while it’s still a baby, bleach your hair and learn some valyrian

  3. Common lizard, the babies are appearing out in public at the moment, tiny little things.

  4. Common lizard.

    Not a skink. Skinks are smooth and shiny, they are also not found in the UK. Not impossible to find an escaped pet, but this doesn’t look like it.

    Not a newt. Newts are amphibians they have soft skin, not scales. They also have totally different proportions to a lizard.

  5. Zootica vivipara, Only saying as it can be useful knowing another animal that starts with a “Z”

  6. OP, please ignore everybody telling you it’s a skink or a newt because it’s neither. This is a Common lizard, also known as the Viviparous lizard. They are the most common of the three lizard species native to the UK, the other two being the Sand lizard and the Slow-Worm.

    What ignoramus is downvoting everybody who has identified it correctly?!

  7. It’s a common lizard. They’re really chill. Not for handling unless you know what you’re doing because you can cause them injury.

  8. Get loads in my garden newts lizards and sand lizards we also get Adders and grass snakes when our frog and toad population gets big

  9. Please don’t take wild animals and try to make them pets. If you want a pet lizard the RSPCA is always at or close to capacity with reptiles, please speak to them about adopting one.

  10. I was so freaking shocked the first (and only) time I saw one of these in my garden because I had NO idea these sorts of lizards were wild in the UK. I’d only ever seen them on holiday in Spain etc.

  11. Oh man, I’m jelaous, that’s a common lizard, but I’ve annoyingly never found one myself, I’ve found plenty of newts, and even a grass snake or two, but never a lizard.

  12. I love those guys! We have loads of them in our yard every year, they usually hang around our firewood in the woodshed. They’re super cute and harmless. I’ve held them in my hands multiple times because I’ve had to save them from my cats. Sometimes they want to bite, but it’s barely a tickle. They also drop like half of their tails to elude predators.

  13. We used to catch these when I was a kid. In the summer you’d find them under rocks or pieces of wood in scrubby areas.

  14. It’s a common lizard. The poor lad is *common*ly mistaken for newts and sometimes skinks.

  15. No it’s not your new pet, that’s someone else pet that they have lost! You need to bring it to a vet and check the chip for the owner and do not feed it! Put up flyers too.

  16. You are, I see, the Lizard Vivaporous
    My new friend so Gregarious
    You enjoy my Mamalian body heat
    Which we both think is really neat …

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