Trump Uses Marines’ Families to Shield Him From Arlington National Cemetery Blowback

Trump Uses Marines’ Families to Shield Him From Arlington National Cemetery Blowback

Posted by Julia_Huang_

  1. “Trump was pictured smiling and giving a thumbs-up at both of the Marines’ graves on Monday.”

    Just gets weirder.

  2. >“On the three-year anniversary of the Abbey Gate bombing, the president and his team conducted themselves with nothing but the utmost respect and dignity for all of our service members, especially our beloved children.”

    Giving a graveside smile and thumbs-up is not what I would call “respect and dignity”. But, hey, I’m not weird like Trump.

  3. Okay, what about all the other families that have loved ones buried there that don’t support you using them as a background prop, you know the ones buried in the graves your literally standing on for your dumb photo op?

  4. Usually when I visit Arlington to place coins on stones, I’m all smiles, laughs, and thumbs up.

    Trump is a venal sack of festering monkey shit.

  5. It doesn’t matter if the families give permission- it’s still against the law!!!

    Can this guy go two days without breaking some kind of law?

  6. Despicable and shameful. That draft dodger should never set foot in the cemetery, least of all make a political prop out of hallowed ground.
    He has no low.

  7. I wonder who suggested he visit this cemetery when it’s well known he called soldiers suckers and losers? Also, who okay’d the bullying of staff while there? Surrounding himself with the best of the best again.

  8. Benedict Donald is beyond tone deaf. He doesn’t have an ounce of empathy or compassion and is self-serving to a pathological degree

  9. Trump doesn’t respect soldiers, he uses them. I served in the Marines from 2016-2020. I only got “deployed” to the Mexican border to repel the invading hordes. The only invaders I saw were the politicians who came into the wire for photo ops. This was the 2018 election season.

  10. Those families are just as bad-by writing letters supporting trumps actions they not only supported him breaking the rules but they, along with trump totally disrespected deceased members of other people’s families-trash all if them

  11. My son is a Marine and willing to give his life for this country

    This makes me FUCKING FURIOUS

  12. “From now until you elect me in November I will be offering a free autographed copy of my very beautiful Arlington National “thumbs up” photograph for a donation of $45 to my reelection campaign, MAGA!

    I’m Donald J. (jenius)Trump and I approve this message.

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