Something Bad Must Be Happening in Trump World, Because Trump Is Losing His Mind on Truth Social

Something Bad Must Be Happening in Trump World, Because Trump Is Losing His Mind on Truth Social

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Guess I have to buy more popcorn. Someone may need to check on me occasionally. I might stop breathing due to laughing so hard.

  2. This fucking guy threw off the entire fucking timeline. I hope everyday fucking sucks for him for the rest of his life

  3. His media company stock is down 4% today and nearly 20% over the past 5 days. Not a good sign for him if people are bailing on his meme stock.

  4. Donnie tub-of-guts is cornered. It’s going to get progressively insane. I hope it ends with him fleeing the country to become Kim Jong Un’s lapdog. 

  5. Losing his mind more than usual? I mean I know he is going nuts, but his baseline level of craziness is already batshit.

  6. Orangeholio is in Final Phase. Total self-collapse. Fiery self-immolation. Vainglorious delusions of fading grandeur. He will implode and then suck up into his own black hole. The final frontier. Physics of the mind.

  7. He didn’t get a Bump in the polls from RFK Jr. They were expecting this to even things up.

  8. Trump is a disease on this nation. It’s time for him and his cult to go night night. Sick of his shit

  9. ***SPOILER:*** Biff doesn’t win if we all vote. Check your shit all the way up to 25 days before the election, on Nov 5th. ******

  10. His girlfriend broke up with him? That would explain why we haven’t seen the former first lady a lot. Wouldn’t it be so awesome if she finally decided to pay him back for all the cheating and nasty treatment of her with a tell-all interview, weeks before the election? I’m sure he’s threatened her with more than being broke though.

  11. Every hour we hear how he’s losing it and it must be because of something bad coming out. When are people going to learn that “losing it” is just the orange idiot’s “normal”?

  12. Jesus Christ with this fucking guy. How are we so close to making him the most powerful man in the world?

  13. Man, I can’t handle another 4 years of this guy rage posting all night long over world wide political issues. Every time he gets bored or hangry he could start another trade war or World War 3.

  14. Was his mind ever under his control for him to lose? Trump being Trump isn’t a story at this point

  15. Since they are all about “free speech “ and against fact check, I think Trump is angry because Ivanka is  pregnant and Trump is the father but she can’t get an abortion in Florida. 

  16. Don’t we see some version of this post like literally every day? How would anybody even know if he was having a meltdown? He seems to exist in a constant state of psychosis.

  17. If we keep poking this prick he might just die or have a massive stroke preferably on camera

  18. I’m thinking people like MTG are getting while the getting’s good. She sees trump is going to lose, and like rats off a sinking ship. She’s gonna swim off.

  19. If he just didn’t run for president and stayed the small time conman, he would have avoided all this.

    Swings and roundabouts people…

  20. Something bad is *always* happening in Trump World and Donnie is forever losing his shit, so who can tell?

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