If Trump was any other candidate, just 1 of these would have then removed as a candidate…so insane.

It's amazing the crazy stuff he has done that would be a campaign ender for any other candidate.

He has so many people brainwashed and Republicans are so desperate to get any republican in office they will ignore anything bad he does.

It's so insane that Bill Clinton got Impeached for a blow job…..
Yet Trump leads a mob to stop congress/an election, calls governors to "find votes".

He tells people to go break illegally into voting machines or gaining unauthorized access to ballots.

He hides classified documents and moves them on purpose so the fbi won't find them.

34 counts of business fraud, grab them by the pssy leaked tape, talking about finger banging women because stars can, sex with pornstar/affair, more scandals.
…basically talked down the and mocked most military members and after all this they still support him and congress refuses to impeach him for any of this.
Continues to be a child calling people names all the time, talks down to everyone.

I'm sure I missed a few things lol. Anyway, any other candidate would have been far removed for just 1 of these.

Republicans saying they would never vote for Trump, or work with him, and now the spineless cowards will got vote for him. Spineless jd Vance said he would never work with him and now he is sucking off Trump in the back.


Posted by DmxSpyD

  1. Anyone getting the idea there is one judicial system for the masses and a whole different judicial system for the well-connected? I am driving to Arlington to take pictures in the restricted area.

    What do you think they will do to ME? Let me go like the traitor Trump? I bet I don’t get off the property without wearing handcuffs.

  2. I’m talking to you now. You need to get off your ass register to vote and VOTE. Over half of most states eligible voters DON’T VOTE. You can register for Amazon so get off your ass and just register and vote!

    No one is going to save your ass this time. It’s up to YOU and You alone to save American freedom by casting your vote. Do you really want gangs of Nazi thugs rounding up ‘them” and deporting them? Do you think they will stop at just illegals or eventually come for you too!

    People fought and died for your right to vote. Get off your ass and just DO IT! You sicken me if you live in America, and you don’t vote. You are a total loser! VOTE DAMMIT!

  3. Just seeing how he gets away with everything shows how terrible justice is served in the us. Anybody else would have been put in jail for live, or even on deathrow, for 1% of what he did. And people still believe and vote for this idiot???

  4. The classified docs case is gone, no crimes occurred. No more baseless accusations.

  5. He’s still a famous TV star that’s what people like. His presidency turned this country into a dumpster fire and people don’t want the truth.
    I live through more than enough Republican cause recessions! The next one will be a depression like 1929. They’re terrible for economic development just profit taking for the rich

  6. Felon? Check. Rapist? Check. Fraud? Check. Paying hush money to a porn star? Check. Treasonous traitor? Check…

    And the list goes on and on…

  7. Bill got impeached for lying about the blowjob.

    There are two things Christian Republicans love and worship more than god, jesus, or anything else: Celebrities and the wealthy.

    Even if it’s D-list former reality TV game show host who claims to be rich while hiding tax returns.

    That’s what they love and worship. It’s all very parasocial.

    This is why he’s still here and involved.

  8. I heard someone say this and I agree, “Donald Trump, how he interacts with the world and how the world interacts with him, is the quintessential example of the peak of white make privilege.”

  9. Every election the tangerine terrorist has been in – FIRED his campaign crew in August. 3 for 3?

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