Army Confirms Trump Staffer ‘Pushed’ Arlington Cemetery Official During Visit, Military Police Were Called

Army Confirms Trump Staffer ‘Pushed’ Arlington Cemetery Official During Visit, Military Police Were Called

Army Confirms Trump Staffer ‘Pushed’ Arlington Cemetery Official During Visit, Military Police Were Called

Posted by newsjam

  1. These weird fucking traitorous thugs need to be locked up!

    How dare they denigrate fallen soldiers!

  2. This has to be the worst campaign in the history of this country, and I am totally fucking here for it.

  3. Utterly disgusting behaviour from The Fanta Menace. And completely expected. Even Stevie Wonder could have seen this coming.

  4. A bunch of fuckin arrogant bullies. Pushing around an American worker and citizen to take a disgusting photo op over soldiers who did more for this country then Sourman the Orange.

  5. Fucking bullies. Weird ones at that too, along with every MAGA dipshit as well. 

    Vote this November as if your life depends on it!

  6. Trump’s responsible for their deaths. He cut the deal with Taliban forcing a rushed exit after he left office. Like lighting a fuse, then running away.

    Arlington security should have walked him out.

  7. Trump claims they have video proving their innocence.

    I guarantee that ‘video’ will never be released.

  8. I’m an older person and I will say this one is shaping up to be a beatdown of trump. Not saying get complacent but instead urging everyone to pile it on this universal disgrace. Goldwater that ass.

  9. If anyone doubted what transpired at Trump’s infamous ‘Bible Stunt’ at St. John’s Church, you can pretty well guess what happened. Trump has a history of doing these things.

  10. You don’t disrespect the dead, but to disrespect dead SOLDIERS?? You deserve to be socked in the jaw for that.

  11. What our country has to look forward to under TRAITOR TRUMPS DICTATORSHIP. PROJECT 2025 ALREADY STARTING AROUND THE COUNTRY

  12. Let me guess, nothing is going to be done about it. I swear I swear the day this disgusting orange psychopath gets what’s coming for him we are all going to be celebrating in the street like the damn Death Start was just blown up.

  13. I didn’t know the Arlington worker was a woman. That tracks for convicted rapist Trump. A woman said “No”, so he forced his way on her anyway, then called her mentally disabled afterwards when she reported the abuse.

  14. Even if Trump gets elected, there’s no way in FRICK the army’s going to support him after what happened in Arlington.

  15. Ugh, the response is too spun…. why so fucking milquetoast? Several of his campaign staff should have been charged on the spot, then you would at least have them on record.

    Now they will just bullshit and dance like they did nothing wrong.

  16. “She was doing her job”… She… I wonder which misogynistic prick did it. I’ve read stories about who it was but it hasn’t been confirmed.

  17. Photo says it all. Who the hell gives thumbs up with smile at a gravestone photo? Who?

  18. Over 3,000 ceremonies a year are able to be held without issue… then cheeto man arrives. And half our country wants to elect this thug who does not think anything applies to him.. he is a danger to every aspect of America

  19. Trump is amazing because the army NEVER publicly gets involved in this kind of thing yet Trump crossed the line so outrageously that they had to make a public statement about it.

  20. We’ve seen this sickening behavior before from him. This is the same type of behavior as in DC when he had the peaceful BLM protesters, who had every right to be there, gassed, so he could have his photo op at the church. The church had not been asked for permission, and wouldn’t have granted it. Their administration were furious he did it. And we will continue seeing this behavior. It’s who he is. An entitled, selfish, narcissistic bully who does whatever he wants, regardless of rules or who it hurts. Vote blue all the way down the ticket, people. Kick this disrespectful mfcker out of our lives. We deserve better.

  21. It starts from the top. When the top is a cockroach, the bottom is going to be full of maggots.

  22. The staffer needs to be named, shamed and at the very least fired (of course we know that won’t happen though).

  23. Grifter uses the dead troops he killed as political props in sacred land, and his cult will clean the smegma off his dick because they’re weird like that.

  24. It would be ideal if the military or the government would press charges instead of the official who fears for her safety.

  25. Why did the MPs not take the perpetrator of physical assault into custody? If we continue to allow the wealthy & ‘powerful’ to avoid consequences for their actions, we get this kind of crap. Why not simply apply the law to all equally?

  26. The Army should press charges on behalf of their employee. Leaving it entirely up to the employee feels highly unsupportive.

  27. I am so tired of Trump and his neverending fucking bullshit. He is such a fucking baby and needs to go away.

  28. Can someone please explain why the pos and his cult followers weren’t arrested right there?
    Had it been anyone else I guarantee they would have been.
    He isn’t president anymore. Why can he still get away with the stunts?

  29. Despicable human beings. Treating America like it’s their own personal play pen.

  30. So, let’s get this straight. Trump’s staff was advised of the rules ahead of time, but chose to ignore them and physically assault a female ANC employee in order to get their campaign video. Then when the incident is reported, Trump’s campaign spokesperson states that the aforementioned female employee was having some sort of mental health crisis. I foresee no reprimand for, or apology from Trump or his campaign staff because they can do whatever they please without recourse. And 50% of the country wants these people in power? With Supreme Court issued immunity? Lord help us!!

  31. “Verbally abused and shoved cemetery staff” has Lewandowski written all over it.

  32. ARREST the staffer for assault on an officer.
    Seriously, why do people give these fascists a pass every single fucking time?!?

  33. I just can’t believe that Trump’s campaign can walk into Arlington Cemetery, *push a staff member out of the way,* perform an illegal video and photo shoot and post them online… and because the staff member declined to press charges, the Army “considers the matter closed.”

    What kind of system is this?? Trump just bullies everyone, and we all fall in line??

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