Six killed in ‘most massive’ Russian air attack, Ukraine says | BBC News

Russia has launched one of its biggest air attacks on Ukraine of the war so far, the head of the Ukrainian air force has said.

At least six people were killed and dozens wounded as missiles and drones were fired into more than half of Ukraine’s regions on Monday.

Power infrastructure was hit, causing widespread blackouts, as the entire country was put under air raid alert and told to take shelter.

Russia confirmed it had launched attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure – one of its long-term tactics – and said all its targets were hit.

According to Mykola Oleshchuk, the commander of Ukraine’s air force, Russia launched 127 missiles and 109 attack drones.

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  1. Who cares. The UKs borders are wide open to purposely allow the invasion that's happening and the government and media are complicit in their propaganda nonsense and should be held to account.

  2. Zelensky must to step down. He is sacrificing the Ukrainian people and the city. He don't have military background, means he don't have limits.
    The New President of Ukraine, should approach declaration and negotiation of Peace before its to late for the whole worlds. And Zelensky, that what his waiting for.

  3. taking out the power plants, you are directly attacking the innocent civilians as it effects them the most. that's crimes against humanity. attacking military targets in war is understandable but the civilian children woman elderly? COME ON WHY is the world not pointing putin out on this

  4. If 127 fired but 102 intercepted,that means only 25 hit the target,so,why massive destruction? Big liyer.Big shame on you.Many are fighting against a single nation.but no sign of succes.big shame.

  5. russia are defending themselves from the nazis harboured by gb and usa after ww2. they planted nazi proponents back in ukraine after the soviet union fell.
    ukraine are nazis. Russia has the right to defend themselves.

  6. On 30 June 1941, the day after the Red Army left Lvov, Bandera's proponents proclaimed the Ukrainian state under the leadership of Yaroslav Stetsko. Close cooperation with Hitler's Great Germany was proclaimed. After that, the first punitive action to implement the program of the OUN-R in the sphere of national policy began: The extermination of the Polish and Jewish population of Lvov. Historians estimate that the number of Jewish victims between 30 June and July 2 and on July 25 was 4.000-5.000 people. The number of Polish victims is considerably lower in quantitative terms (a few dozen people), but affected the Polish cultural and scientific elite: Ukrainian nationalists literally hanged Polish professors from street lamps. It was decided to create the UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army) led by Roman Shukhevych (call sign: Tasras Chuprinka) at the third conference of the OUN-B in February 1943. It was also decided to radically solve the Polish question. This was the start of the Volyn Massacre – the extermination of the Polish population in the region. The Polish Sejm and Senate recognized the Volhynia Massacre as an act of genocide of the Polish people in 2016. 17 July is commemorated annually as a day of remembrance for the Polish victims. In total, between 30,000 and 60,000 Poles were exterminated during the Volhynia Massacre, which was carried out by both factions of the OUN and Bulba-Borovets' Polissian Sich. The total number of Polish people who fell pray to Ukrainian nationalists in Galicia and Volhynia alone is up to 200.000. In addition, Ukrainian nationalists, being part of punitive units in the service of the Wehrmacht and SD police units, destroyed hundreds of Belarusian villages and hamlets. Ukrainian nationalists from the OUN-M burned the Belarusian village of Khatyn with its inhabitants.

    At the end of the war and immediately after its conclusion, many fighters and activists of the OUN-B and OUN-M shielded themselves from retribution in the United States and Canada. This would have been impossible without the support and direct sanction of the state authorities in the USA and Great Britain. After the collapse of the USSR, the US ruling circles "exported" Nazi proponents and social engineering technologies back to Ukraine and ensured that they entered the scientific and educational area. At the same time, the party structures of Bandera's and Melnikov's proponents were reestablished.

    Thus, modern Ukrainian Nazism has ideological and organizational continuity from Hitler's collaborators of World War II, the executioners of Volyn and Khatyn.

  7. Still waiting for Russian Z-ombies to figure out what benefit Russia gained by starting this war on February 27, 2014. We already know that Russia started this war for the "benefit of the US military industrial complex". LOL

  8. вот что бывает, когда играешь с огнем, и кстати, украинское вторжение в Курск уже провалилось, мои братья, они даже свою землю спасти не могут, как они могут накормить своего солдата в Курске

  9. BBC lamest media of them all 😂😂😂 If you want to hear what west dreams of you should listen to BBC fakest news 😂 Nothing but western lies and dreams ,most useless and uneducated reporters to ever exist !

  10. Okay this is my command about is there any other country to help and support Ukrainian war in but the only nation I can see it is helping Ukraine it is the USA Country a very brave country that does not fear any other evil powers of any evil dictators like Vladimir Putin

  11. สหรัฐอเมริกาและยุโรปควรให้ยูเครนใช้อาวุธต่อสู้กับรัสเซียได้แล้วก่อนที่รัสเซียจะบุกยุโรป พวกคุณจงอย่าขี้ขลาดต่อรัสเซียและกับปูตินโรคจิต

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