Forrest Gump Weird

Forrest Gump Weird

Posted by abaganoush

  1. “A very big, one of the biggest soldiers in the whole Army they say, came up to me with tears in his eyes and said, “Sir, why? Why is Joe Biden. . . Sleepy Joe I call him, the WORST president in HISTORY, the soldiers all love me, more than Isanhowzrr. The Blacks love me. Where’s my Black? There he is. (Points). Trump’s life matters too, doesn’t it? You’re not gunna riot now are you?? Just kidding. I joke a lot. I’m more popular than Martin Looter King. They call HIM king; I’m king, if jeses was here he’d say so“

  2. No worries, Donnie, when you’re in your cage at Gitmo that Cuban sunshine will give you a rich, dark tan!

    Lemons to lemonade, bitch!

  3. He had it on out in the desert at Obama’s wall that he built. It got caked and sweaty or whatever that was.

  4. He is so damn OLD. I swear if someone accidentally drops a pillow next to him it will startle him into a massive stroke.

  5. He can’t run the usual playbook against a black woman, if he is himself a ‘man of color.’

  6. I honestly think it’s because his skin tone was way too close to Harris’ and he didn’t like what that said about him.

  7. At least the orange jokes distracted me from the telling he looks really, really doughy and old jokes.

  8. Well, quick, someone give him a good boy treat before he regresses. Maybe the orange makeup has been making him an AH…ya know, like mercury poisoning.

    So, he’s been acting like he’s an oompaloompa to get their vote and now suddenly he’s white?

  9. He doesn’t need to look younger than Biden anymore but needs to look whiter than Harris.

    He knows what his racist base wants.

  10. It’s bc Trump no longer has to look younger than Biden. He just now needs to look whiter than Harris. He knows his crowd.

  11. “He was always of Tangerine heritage, and he was only promoting Tangerine heritage. I didn’t know he was white until a number of weeks ago, when he happened to turn white, and now he wants to be known as white. So I don’t know, is he orange or is he white?”

  12. I can’t stand her but geez, can you blame Melanoma for not wanting that corpse to touch her?

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