Weirdo takes another L.

Weirdo takes another L.

Posted by JulietAlfaTango

  1. This a prime example of how mentally deranged MAGA truly is. They do something horrible and if anyone calls them out for their horrible deeds and complete lack of moral and honor they call them “haters”

  2. Mr. Vance being a perceptive fellow found out they hate the message not the man. /s

    Well, maybe him too.

  3. I know it’s had its ups and downs, but I can’t wait to see the SNL treatment for him.

  4. Why didn’t he tell them to go to hell like he did Kamala?

    Oh that’s right, they were right there. Chickenshit.

  5. If you’re in a union and you’re not voting for a Democrat, why are you even in a union? WHY?

  6. I think we’re a couple weeks away from JD Vance running out of entire groups to alienate and having to knock on people’s doors and insult them individually

  7. Just think… he has children that at some point will forever give him the side eye as they think their father may have actually fucked a couch.

  8. This dude is cancer to Trumps campaign. He’s making Palin look like Al Gore ffs. And that’s really funny.

  9. The people tasked with responding to emergencies are “haters”.

    Classy move. Let’s see where he takes this….

  10. I’m almost sorry that I will never get the opportunity to boo him. I wouldn’t cross the street to see him, so that’s on me.

  11. As a retired career firefighter and proud member of the IAFF, it turns my stomach to see this guy stand with the union logo behind him.

  12. Imagine being booed because you’re a couch fucking weirdo and you think people who respect furniture are haters.

  13. Yes, insult the firefighters, those universally loved and respected firefighters. Good plan champ.

  14. Didn’t Harris and/or Walz just do a speech to the IAFF as well? Is he just stalking Air Force Two now?

  15. What the fuck is JD expecting?

    Audience: *Boos*.
    JD: “You’re all a bunch of haters!”
    Audience: “Oh, fuck, he’s got a point, let’s vote for him.”

  16. Malignant narcissist at their finest. Forget price gouging, lack of sustainable healthcare systems or a living wage. The most troubling part is the extreme unaware bigotry in this country. JD and his peers honestly think what they say and do is not only right but should be for all.
    Totally deranged

  17. Remember that a VPs job (among other things) is to take heat and pull negative press away from the primary candidate… never forget to tie this guy back to Trump. This is his pick. This is who he thinks represents him. This is who he thinks should be president if something were to happen to Trump.

  18. There’s not enough conversation about how Vance is likely to succeed Trump if Trump is elected. Don’t get me wrong, Trump is horrible in a million different ways but his negatives are already baked in with most people. But Vance – who has no charisma and is a puppet of Peter Thiel- would be a heartbeat away from ascending to the presidency. This needs to be underscored more frequently.

  19. This warmed my little heart to hear union firemen boo him.

    Haters? Oh, darlin’ … you have no idea.

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