Trump is all of us rn

Trump is all of us rn

Posted by Son0fSanf0rd

  1. Please wash hands after urination?

    But what if I’m pooing?

    Asking for a friend…his name is Deuce

  2. Think about how much security they’re going to need for his grave for generations.

  3. Someone in another sub was going to open a 24/7 burrito truck by his eventual resting place.


  4. When he dies, they’re gonna have to post 24/7 guards at his grave just to keep people from shitting and pissing on it constantly.

  5. Imagine the line ups of people wanting to give thumbs up and shit eating grin at his grave.

    Watch MAGA lose their mind when it happens as well.

  6. Well, the patriotic thing to do would be to smear shit all over it. You know like they did on the capital walls. and since he likes drilling, you’re gonna have to bore a hole and put a pipe in there so that way it hits directly on the casket.

  7. Shout out to the little girl in purple that realizes this POS is trying to capitalize off the death of her father.

  8. I cannot wait until Trump is buried. There will be so much urine, vomit, and feces on that headstone.

  9. I’ve often said that no one is prepared for the amount of shit that is going to end up on that man’s grave.

    I know that for a time hard-core magats will try to voluntarily protect his grave with shifts with schedules and what not after the Mortuary service throw up their hands in aspiration saying “there isn’t a price high enough that we could charge to justify the amount of shit that we have to clean up every day” and eventually the volunteers will stop coming to keep the libruls away from Trumps grave.

    Shortly after someone will get the bright idea to start charging per shit, per visitor but I’m afraid people are just gonna start shitting on that as well.

    God help anyone that gets a grave next to him whether it’s random Chance or a family plot with Ivanka and Co.

    Eventually, the remaining family members will opt for a different family plot, and this shit will just keep piling up.

    It’s really gonna be a goddamn problem

    Edit: any Taco Bell‘s within the vicinity of his grave are going to be the most profitable stores of all time

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