New Details Shed True Horror of Trump’s Fight at Arlington Cemetery: ‘The assaulted cemetery employee was a woman, that didn’t want to press charges because she was afraid of retaliation from Trump supporters.’

New Details Shed True Horror of Trump’s Fight at Arlington Cemetery: ‘The assaulted cemetery employee was a woman, that didn’t want to press charges because she was afraid of retaliation from Trump supporters.’

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. As per [original article]( 📰:

    – It turns out the fight between Donald Trump’s campaign staff and an Arlington National Cemetery official Monday was worse than we thought. The assaulted cemetery employee was a woman, and she didn’t want to press charges because she was afraid of retaliation from Trump supporters.

    The [New York Times reports]( that the woman filed an incident report with the military, but opted not to proceed further with law enforcement authorities at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Virginia, which has jurisdiction over the cemetery. Trump and his campaign have been scrambling to explain away the physical altercation, posting a message of thanks from a military family, blaming the cemetery official, and even accusing her of having a “mental health episode.”

    Taking photographs or video at a military cemetery for political purposes is prohibited under federal law, particularly in Arlington National Cemetery’s Section 60, where recent military casualties are buried. After participating in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns on the third anniversary of the Abbey Gate attack in Afghanistan, Trump visited Section 60 with family members of Marines killed in the attack—and with cameras. The cemetery official tried to stop Trump’s campaign staffers from filming and taking photos, leading to them pushing the official and calling her names.

    It turns out that the official’s concern was warranted, after Trump released photos and a video of his visit to Section 60, which was supposed to be private and closed to the press. The family of Master Sgt. Andrew Marckesano, whose gravesite was shown in those photos, issued a statement saying that they did not give permission for the grave to be filmed or used by the Trump campaign.

    “[A]ccording to our conversation with Arlington National Cemetery, the Trump campaign staffers did not adhere to the rules that were set in place for this visit to Staff Sergeant Hoover’s gravesite in Section 60, which lays directly next to my brother’s grave,” said Marckesano’s sister Michele in the statement.

    “We hope that those visiting this sacred site understand that these were real people who sacrificed for our freedom and that they are honored and respected accordingly,” she added.

    One politician who was with Trump at the cemetery on Monday, Utah Governor Spencer Cox, apologized on X (formerly Twitter) for using photos from the section in a campaign email.

    “This was not a campaign event and was never intended to be used by the campaign,” Cox wrote. “It did not go through the proper channels and should not have been sent. My campaign will be sending out an apology.”

    The Trump campaign, however, has not. Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance accused the media of blowing it out of proportion.

    “Apparently somebody at Arlington Cemetery, some staff member had a little disagreement with somebody,” Vance said. “And they have turned — the media has turned this into a national news story.”

    The more the Trump campaign refuses to acknowledge even the appearance of disrespect at a military cemetery, as well as the possible violation of federal law, the more likely the incident won’t go away, especially given Trump’s [dismal reputation with military veterans](


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  2. Trump’s responsible for their deaths. He cut the deal with Taliban forcing a rushed exit after he left office. Like lighting a fuse, then running away.

    Arlington security should have walked him out.

  3. Why isn’t the cemetery management pressing charges? It was their employee who was assaulted.

  4. My Grandfather is buried there because he fought fascist pigs like Dump. Our armed forces must hold Dump accountable.

  5. MMW, her not pressing charges is doing soooooo much more damage than *”another court case”*

  6. My op

    -IF we win we need to be ready for some Jan 6th bs. I know things are different now but I would still expect/prep for it. Even investigating to try and get a jump on those plans.

    -Even if we win people like the ones in project 2025 aren’t going away. More than just president is up for grabs, and we should do what we can to make sure we have majority power for real change. So as not to repeat Obama where they just fought him at every turn. Even on their own bills…

    -consequences- trump and his cult need to have some kind of repercussions for blatant anti American behavior. Set a hard line going forward that this is not about Republican vs Democrat but instead America vs a cult.

    -we seriously need to educate better. Especially how to distinguish between credible online content and bias bait.

    -new laws—-we should put things in place to prevent this again or we will be back in 4 years. Could be as simple as no multiple felony counts people can be pres..

  7. Is it surprising that when these Nazi’s get together, they relish in symbolically desecrating our history, assault a woman who has the nerve to assert her authority in protecting that history, and then cover it up by shaming her–by calling it a “mental health episode.” This is only a demonstration of MAGA’s hatred for woman and veterans; their total obliviousness to the very ideas of honor, sacrifice or service.

  8. That’s what the Trump loving MAGA cult member scumbags rely on…fear. There’s lots of stories out there where people have gotten death threats, MAGA cult members show up at people’s homes. These MAGA pukes are domestic terrorists…😕

  9. Those stupid mfrs just when you think they did the stupidest thing, they do something even more stupid. Don’t let them get away with it. The law is the law rich or poor should be held accountable. And Vance, a military man himself having no respect or honor for those graves and not only that but allowing for one of their staff to have an altercation with another enlisted without standing up for the law. And belittling ithe incident. What a total loser. Now I know when I read what people who served with him said ‘ you could tell he was going places’ meant. They meant he was an ass kisser working his way up the ranks. Case in point.

  10. I feel like the continuing move left of seemingly every new poll is at least partially due to his no guardrails behavior final-straw-breaking the backs of some of his loyalists who didn’t think they had a breaking point.

  11. This is the intention of stochastic terrorism. This guy should never be allowed near any position of power again.

  12. I’m not understanding why it’s up to the victim to decide whether or not the Army will press charges for simple battery. Trump gets away with everything. Why doesn’t Biden step in where the Army leadership failed and make an arrest to support the deceased veterans memorial?

  13. I know Biden is an ineffectual limp dick, but I call on him to defend veterans, those who paid the ultimate price and those who are prepared to do so.

  14. How women AND veterans continue to support this psychopath, is beyond me. Constantly disparages the United States and praises dictators is bonkers. Trump SHOULD be punished and it is so sad that the employee is afraid to press charges. Shows his true character. Please, as an undecided voter, please think very carefully on what Presidential candidate clearly represents American values and democracy.

  15. First, is anyone really surprised? Because everything trump is associated with seems bad, or really bad, and then with time the truth slowly begins to ooze out and it all becomes more atrocious!!! Now the employee involved in this whole mess won’t proceed legally for fear of the Maga crowd doxxing her or any other retribution they might do to her. When will this whole maelstrom end? It’s like holding your breath, but for how long? Vote!!!

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