[OC] highest levels of speeding tickets per population density

Downloaded the data from every city and county budgets, pulling out fine fines section as income while matching it up with my monthly updated zip code database.
Basically, speed trap areas.

Posted by Past-Apartment-8455

  1. We always talked about how bad Ohio was for tickets when I was young. I always assumed that was just because we were next to it and it was a rivalry type thing. I guess not.

  2. I fucking knew it, and it’s nice to see data to back it up.

    Years ago a couple buddies and I took a road trip from NE Ohio to the west coast and back. Across the whole trip, outside of Ohio we saw 2 cops trying to get people for speeding in Colorado, and none anywhere else. In Ohio, we saw a total of 15.

  3. I was expecting Arkansas to be highest based on what I’ve heard from friends and family.

  4. There are a few small towns in north east Ohio with populations less than 200 residents but their income is over a million dollars a year because of speeding ticket income.

  5. I knew Ohio was the worst. I lived there most of my life, and I haven’t gotten a speeding ticket since I left the state 10 years ago. Just crazy.

  6. Overlay traffic accidents and then fatalities and maybe we can start seeing where the shitty drivers are

  7. Ohio state highway patrol just exists to fuck up your day. There are also some small towns that will pull you over for doing 27 in a 25. God help you if you hit 30.

  8. As someone who drives between Cleveland and Chicago several times a year, this map is spot on.

    Fuck you, Sandusky, OH.

  9. I love how the entire state of SC is the second level blue.

    I lived in southern Georgia and Florida most of my life and my family would always remind anyone driving through SC to mind the speed limits and don’t fuck around.

    I love how the darkest areas all seem to be closer to borders and I’d bet there’s highways or major roads with speed limit changes to drive revenue in those areas.

  10. I once I got a speeding ticket from Ohio….. I have never been to Ohio. The ticket was from some random small town in a county I’ve never heard of just outside of Cleveland, but the traffic cam that took the picture of my car was on the road outside my work in Georgia…. They marked me as going 38 in a 20 but the speed limit on that road is 35. I called the number on the ticket I got to explain there must be a mistake with their camera system, and they tried telling me I would have to go to court to dispute it to which I was just completely dumbfounded. The next time I called and I asked for a supervisor and explained they again who said the same thing. Then I finally called the actual police department on the ticket (had to search google for their phone number) and finally got ahold of someone who realized just how fucking far out of their jurisdiction they were. They fixed it right away once I explained it to them.

  11. That area in Ohio is the only place I’ve ever gotten a speeding ticket. And it was on a downhill slope on i480. Cop was stationed at the bottom of the hill and pulled me over around 9pm at night.

  12. Can confirm your map, shows northern Ohio as a giant speed trap, under the guise of promoting safer driving. Great revenue enhancement for all involved, except for you !

  13. Middle of Nevada is pretty much nothing so it would make sense that alot of people just speed through not giving it too much thought.

  14. Yep! Corn season is also ticket season. Cops love to hide in corn fields and catch cars speeding by. Always slow down when driving by corn, if the cops don’t get you the deer will!

  15. A lot of the mailed photo enforcement tickets from local municipalities can be ignored. There are plenty of lawsuits out there. Obviously do your own due diligence but it’s amazing the grift they’re grifting.

  16. Not sure about this. You have to pay a cop in Dallas to give you any moving violation. Surrounding cities are much more aggressive with tickets but in Dallas proper it’s a joke among folks.

  17. And this is why I drive from Chicago to Boston via Ontario instead of Ohio. Also, takes less time…

  18. Northern VA is nuts, and I haven’t even been there in 20yrs. Can only imagine it now.

  19. As an Ohio resident. It is so validating to see this. The Ohio State Highway Patrol exists solely to give you tickets. Btw they have quotas for their cops

  20. Honestly, it is just NE Ohio. I’m an Ohio native and have never had an issue for anywhere except from about Sandusky to Youngstown.

  21. And if you zoom in, you’ll see a black speck over the city of Emporia, VA, where the speeding tickets are 400x the city population.

  22. As someone who moved from Chicago to Houston, this is accurate for both regions. Have yet to receive a speeding ticket in Houston even though I’m constantly driving 15+ over the limit (which is going with the speed of traffic).

  23. Thank you for proving what midwesterners have been saying for years. I fuckin knew it Ohio!

  24. The big dark blue spot between ATL and Florida, is because there’s no interstate between ATL and Destin/PCB just rural highways with a million speed limit changes through towns. Speed Trap Central!

  25. Nice to see the spike of higher ticket density into Virginia along 95. Certainly seems to match reality

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