Trump Accused Of Breaking The Law With New Outrageous Post

Trump Accused Of Breaking The Law With New Outrageous Post

Trump Accused Of Breaking The Law With New Outrageous Post

Posted by inewser

  1. Biff breaks ______’s per day and nothing happens. Vote people! Make sure you’re prepared to vote and vote early. ******

  2. But what about radical leftist liberal antifa fascist socialist communist, purple monkey dishwasher, person woman man camera TV, covfefe Hannibal Lecter?

    FFS Republicans, please stop huffing on the fumes of Reagan’s long gone ghost of conservatism. Trumpism is a cancer on this country.

  3. I think the only reason he’s not being dragged off to prison is because everyone around him knows he has dementia and fecal incontinence. It’s the ravings of organ failure. All his puppet masters are doubling down defending him with their own Project 2025 agendas, his Boomer shills are losing their shirts defending him to the bitter end, and nobody on the Democratic side wants to stop the total implosion of the GOP. 

    It’s 44 years of schadenfreude culminating right now. The best thing to do is make sure he doesn’t go anywhere until after the election and the next voting cycle guarantees a democratic majority on all fronts. 

    The dude is dying a miserable raving kidney failure death. The only jail he’s headed to is being strapped down on a gurney and fed through a tube.

  4. The way this was supposed to be an attack on Harris and the Biden administration’s pull out of Afghanistan, but it just backfired sooo badly is just par for the course for his campaign. He obviously can’t pay for the best staffers, because they are all shit.

  5. Forget Lord Orange caring about breaking the law, he’s all in for winning the election to pardon himself.

  6. The only thing that surprises me is that this surprises anyone. It’s been long known that he has no respect for the military. “Suckers” and “losers” he calls them.

    Forget about breaking the law. Put that aside. He gave a thumbs-up at a goddamn gravesite.


  8. Then let’s make an example out of him and his cult. They can’t keep getting away with this. It’s a crisis of mental health. Even other republicans agree at this point.

  9. Can we just use, “Trump did another illegal thing and nothing will happen,” and the default headline now

  10. You mean the scumbag grifter that’s been breaking the law his whole life is still breaking the law? GTFOH

  11. Yes he broke laws AGAIN but he’s getting away with it. Law enforcement has decided to not enforce laws and let him get away with more crimes. The people making these decisions must be removed they just put a domestic terrorist above the law

  12. He’s out on bail. A judge with balls needs to revoke that bail and put him in jail. Enough already

  13. Dude breaks the law daily and nothing happens. Should be in jail but instead is running for president.

  14. This is exactly how his Presidency went. Every 2 or 3 days he does something offensive, outrageous or illegal. It dominates the headlines making us all forget the previous offensive, outrageous or illegal thing he did 2 or 3 days ago. Flood the zone I think they call it.


  16. Some people collect sports cards. This guy collects crimes. Teflon Don. He’s still being allowed to run for president no matter how many laws he breaks.

  17. When does he break the law every day something you’re outrageous that nobody would even do let alone run for office and do it so embarrassing to the world stage as a leader for the United States of America greatest country weekend by a weak man

  18. News outlets keep reporting trump doing bad stuff without real consequences daily.

    It’s like they’re taunting us or something.

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