The Election outcome if Trump says The Word at the next debate

The Election outcome if Trump says The Word at the next debate

Posted by ceebo625

  1. Don’t agree at all. He really could shoot someone in Fifth Avenue and not lose a single vote.

  2. I am seriously wondering what word Trump could possibly say to lose voters. Some words, while offensive to normal people might actually attract more weirdos.

  3. Nope, the tRumpcult/maga would love if he did. They would make flags and shirts and proudly display them. There’s nothing tRump can do to lose votes from those mindless minions.

  4. False. Trump lived through the political shift. He knows what the dixiecrats really crave.

  5. sorry but he will win louisiana too. The people here dont vote in high enough numbers for him not to win. like we got 12% turn out on elections. They have people here convinced there is nothing they can do and its why we’ve have republican majorities for decades.

  6. There is zero chance that he would lose Wyoming and Idaho. He could be assaulting women in their streets on live tv, and he would still win by 30 points….

    Also wtf Mass?

  7. “*He said it with an A at the end, not an ER!!!”*

    -MAGA after hearing Trump’s n-bomb

  8. Trump questioned Harris’ racial identity in front of black journalists and it barely made a difference. Racism is baked in to his stock

  9. Yeah you’re giving this country far more credit than it’s proven lately it deserves.

  10. There are a couple things guaranteed in life. Death and taxes. Two other credos are out there too. Science fiction will become science fiction fact. The other is political humour will quite likely become political reality. We can only hope.

  11. I don’t believe this at all. I think there are a lot of people that WANT him to say it. That are waiting for him to say it because they wish they could.

  12. Tennessee votes blue? What could he possibly say to make that happen? Have you BEEN to Tennessee lately?

  13. Indiana’s stuck on red. They think seeing a blue Indiana on a map means we root for Kentucky in basketball.

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