Trump demands ‘all J6 cases should be immediately dropped!’ in all-caps tirade

Trump demands ‘all J6 cases should be immediately dropped!’ in all-caps tirade

Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. Donald J Trump is a bigger Traitor to The United States of America than Benedict Arnold.

  2. I thought he said Antifa did it. If that’s true, then why does he want the cases dropped?

  3. 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 includes treason, sedition, subversive activities and others related to 18 USC § 2381 et seq. – Treason.

    Specifically, in this moment, Donald J Trump is violating 18 U.S.C. 2385

    Advocating Overthrow of Government makes it a federal crime to advocate, abet, advise, or teach the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing the United States government by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer. It also includes publishing or circulating printed material advocating the government overthrow.

    Of which the people he’s promising to pardon, have been charged and some convicted of seditious conspiracy and insurrection, under the same set of laws.

    Which would be indicative of a second charge against Donald Trump for 18 U.S.C. 2382 Misprision of Treason imposes penalties for anyone who has knowledge of the commission of treason and not disclosing it as soon as they know it has occurred.

  4. Can we please, shut this fucking yammering trap for just one second!? That’d be great.

  5. Donald, you are a felon and soon to be convict. Take your vitamins, youre gonna need them.
    Lose some weight too, prison food is very carby.
    Wishing you the worst.

  6. But I thought J6 was a false flag run by the evil Democrats to implicate Trump?!?

  7. Remember how Trump operates. He’s saying this to radicalize his supporters to do another coup for him this winter. He’s expecting to lose and is planning on violence and a judicial coup to get into power.

  8. Cannot believe this dude is planning to hold a J6 Gala before the election. Is it just me or are the optics of that horribly bad?

  9. “Ok, Trumpty Dumpty – you hold your breath and we’ll get right on that.” Dopey.

  10. Asshat should change all with my. He doesn’t give a damn about anyone or anybody except himself.

  11. If I were to tweet in all caps to lock the felon up, and request everyone to retweet this, would that work and Trump would go to prison? If not, why does he think that will work for him?

  12. Wait, I thought the J6 guys didn’t do anything wrong? Aren’t they all hostages and severely mistreated? Why would she need to react if there wasn’t a problem?

    These dumb fucks couldn’t keep a story straight if their lives depended on it.

  13. I don’t care what your political beliefs are. This, “man”, is in no condition to have access to nuclear weapons. Under no circumstances can this travesty get anywhere near the nuclear football.

  14. But I thought he said the violent ones were all antifa or government plants? Why would he want those people released? /s

  15. I expect he’s worried about his related legal issues and figures he falls into Jan 6th insurrectionists group. So, if ‘all J6 cases’ are dropped, that would include him.

  16. Annnnnd I demand that he turns himself in for raping children, domestic violence (Ivana/Marla) tax evasion, obstructing an official government proceeding, inciting a riot, attempted overthrow of the US government, sedition, extortion (Ukraine), misuse of government funds, stolen property and general malfeasance and rat-fuckery, including this Arlington bullshit.

  17. Lets see, Trump went out of his way to railroad the Central Park Five and ran full page adds in The Daily News to taint the jury pool and actually campaigned for them to be executed. They ended up being convicted and sent to prison. They sat in prison for years and finally in 2002 the person who committed the crime came forward and admitted it was he who beat and raped the woman and all the DNA evidence exonerated the CP five and they were finally let out of prison for a crime that they didn’t commit. Trump didn’t apologize for what he did to these men and still to this day says they are guilty.

    No, Donald you are actually guilty for the crimes you have been charged with and must be tried, convicted and sent to prison for the crimes you committed!

  18. I want Biden to start listing what he could do under the new POTUS ruling. Like he could arrest competitors now, correct??

  19. The weird old weak traitor did more damage to our country than Osama bin Laden dreamed of doing.

  20. What he actually means is that *his* Jan 6 charges should be dropped. He doesn’t give 2 fucks about anyone else’s.

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