Republicans created the “Border Czar” position, gave it to Kamala Harris, and now declare her a failure.

Republicans created the “Border Czar” position, gave it to Kamala Harris, and now declare her a failure.

Posted by BestStoogewasLarry

  1. What an excellent game! Let’s create the “Gun Control Supremo” post, give it to Trump, and declare him a failure after 4 years of nothing. And while we’re at it, I suggest Jim Jordan is the “Bill Passing Czar,” something at which he’s done absolutely fuck all.

  2. Call me crazy but didnt Gym Jordan & Comer spend most of their time in the last few sessions of congress trying to impeach Biden *and* Mayorkis over the border? Call me crazy but that’s not how you spell Harris

  3. If only Congress had the power to pass this really awesome border control bill that was completely bipartisan and loved by nearly everyone. I wonder why they didn’t do that.

  4. Trump killed the border bill so he could use the border as a campaign issue. It defies logic that this ruse would be successful, but they’re playing out their hand.

  5. Oh, Ike, your party has become a twisted, delusional cartoon of itself.

    They breathe out lies like children breathing out clouds of warmth on a Winter’s day of sledding.

  6. So the person who was never tasked with border security is a failure but the guy who never built the wall he promised or got money from Mexico for it is a genius. Got it…

  7. Obama created the Border Czar. I’m a Democrat and even I know the optics of that name aren’t good. This fact checker is being slightly disingenuous about it “doesn’t exist”[anymore].

  8. I was wondering where this “Border Czar” even came from. As usual, the GOP and Faux News is full of it.

  9. Great way to spin in: “Trump appointed Kamala Border Czar. Trump therefore endorses Kamala.”

  10. McDonald’s hired me to be their patty stomper but they didn’t tell me I was hired and now some of the customers are mad because I was at home not doing a job that doesnt exist. Not at all weird.

  11. If Border Czar isn’t a real position, then how did the GOP led House impeach Mayorkas for failing as Biden’s other Border Czar?! You can’t just call people a Czar you know!

    Checkmate libs! /s

  12. “the vice president is unimportant, no one cares who they are” – Trump

    “The vice president is singularly responsible for securing the southern border, an issue we use to fear monger our idiot base even though things are generally comparatively pretty good right now, and could be even better if I didn’t personally rat fuck a bipartisan bill for political gain” – also Trump

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