“She Doesn’t Have a Single Child”: J.D. Vance Made the Mistake of Going After a Lesbian Labor Leader

“She Doesn’t Have a Single Child”: J.D. Vance Made the Mistake of Going After a Lesbian Labor Leader


Posted by Constant_Club6585

  1. It’s very crazy stance to be so against couples without kids as a leader of a country.

    I get it he might think birth rate is low (not that saying we should have more kids fixes the finances of them) but you are 2nd leader of a country and there’s a significant demographic that does for whatever reason have kids. You gonna forsake them?

  2. People are saying that in his downtime, Shady Vance likes to go door to door, asking strangers if they have children. He berates and ridicules those who do not. For 10-15 minutes on average. But if they do have children, he flashes a twisted grin and vehemently demands that the children be brought before him so that he may ‘have a good look at ’em’. Once he’s had his fill he leaves abruptly, muttering “Okay. Good.” as he slinks back to his PT Cruiser.

  3. So Vance didn’t have children because he wanted to care for them, to pass on his experiences to a new generation, it was all to improve his social standing. Got it.

  4. The more I hear about this, the more o suspect his “kids” are not really
    His and he’s projecting his regret upon others. 

  5. He’s going to be Trump’s downfall. Because yeah, the GOP talks about abortion and childbirth but this man makes it his ONLY argument. It’s weird as fuck, hell, he doesn’t talk about Israel-Palestinian conflict (I’m pro-Palestine but it’s weird that he never makes a mention of either side) or makes it clear where his stance is, even Trump has done it and his brain is literal cheese now and the man literally knows nothing. Hell, the other GOP people talk about Kamala or Tim, but all this guy is doing is talking about children. Seems deeper than a GOP talking point.

  6. “How many children do you want sir?”

    “I dont know. Like two dozen. Whatever makes sense.”

  7. I agree with Vance. I hated them fucking nuns teaching. They should be banned from the classroom as thy are nothing but groomers for pedophile priests. Ban nuns from teaching or having interactions with children! LOL

    Didn’t think about that eh Shady?

  8. Waddles is almost eighty, and if he wins, he’ll always be a couple of cheeseburgers away from falling out, which would put this complete nutbag in the White House. I cannot believe Team Trump is not frantically telling this idiot to shut the hell up already, but then again, they’re too busy strong-arming cemetery employees and all. The constant jabbering about kids is really creepy and weird.

  9. ”  The official J.D. Vance Bad Press Tour keeps on rolling this week”


  10. Does Hillbilly Vanilli wish he were a woman and capable of of childbearing? Is that what’s causing this???!?

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