Famous loser of popular vote pisses off veterans once again

Famous loser of popular vote pisses off veterans once again

Posted by abaganoush

  1. Team Red vets do not care. He could have dug up the body and sexually desecrated it and they’d applauded. That’s his super power, he leads an actual cult.

  2. Personally.. Dead body is like a piece of trash. Who gives a shit. You’re dead, you’re dead.

    Edit: So y’all salty ass mofo downvoting like y’all never banged the dead bodies.

  3. I want to add that many young people join the military to get away from bad home situations. Those families that sold out to cheeto are probably a good example of that. Cashing in on your sons death for political and monitary gain is repugnant.

  4. You know that Fox idiots won’t ever even hear the truth about the incident, right? I swear, you people are pretty damn dumb when it comes to the morality and awareness of magats.

  5. This post is a sharp take on political controversies. It definitely makes you think about the broader implications.

  6. remember when he abandoned the syrian allies and left a vacuum for russia to fill?

    remember when he said shit all over John McCain and his sacrifice as a POW staying behind, “I like soldiers who don’t get caught”

    remember when he shit all over gold star recipients?

    Soldiers are political props to him, him and the gop don’t give a fuck. To them good soldiers go and die to fill their coffers

  7. He smiled In the picture like he was selling a can of Goya beans. I have family in Arlington and I am sick of this

  8. “ The Medal of Freedom is “much better” than the Medal of Honor.”
    People who get the Congressional Medal of Honor, which I’ve given to many, are often horribly wounded or dead. They’re often dead,” he said.

    No respect, none yet many military personnel will still vote for this unbelievably flawed human.

  9. He hopes to hire someone who will magically fix it, and everything will be great again 🤮

  10. I was discussing the matter with a self-proclaimed “combat vet” this morning and I realized once again that these people (MAGAts) have the attention spans of a fruit fly and are impervious to history and anything that’s not 12 inches in front of their face.

    They’re like cocker spaniels, they go crazy barking whenever there’s a knock on the door no matter how many times you carefully, patiently explain it’s just the mailman or the pizza guy.

  11. The common whine is: “he was invited” (that sounds familiar) he did nothing wrong (that one too) “it was a set up” (hey a trifecta!)

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