X’s move on cemetery news shows ‘how damaging this explosive story is to Trump’: experts

X’s move on cemetery news shows ‘how damaging this explosive story is to Trump’: experts


Posted by wonderingsocrates

  1. When you want to amend the constitution so you can imprison Americans for burning the flag but show open disrespect for the soldiers who died to protect those same freedoms the flag represents you’ve proven yourself to be unfit to lead those soldiers.

  2. This is the same kind of shit MAGA lost their mind’s when it was connected to “Hunter’s laptop.”

    Not so much now, huh?

  3. Project 2025… curtail/remove 1A. Check.

    Oh wait it’s 2024 and Elon is already doing it.

  4. Trump does dozens of cringy things the last few weeks Fox doesn’t say one word about it but Walz dog is headline news for them.

  5. If only they’d thought “Hey, you know what? This looks bad. Maybe we shouldn’t assault, then insult a federal employee who is trying to enforce federal law?”

  6. And it is MUCH worse than it sounds. Trump was the one who freed the Taliban terrorist that killed the 13 American soldiers during the start of Biden’s presidency. Then Trump went on to display a thumbs up over the grave of one of those killed soldiers.

    Truly, FUCK Trump.

  7. Would it be ironic if after J6 and the secret documents exposure, that this stunt to the cemeteries will sink the fat ship? Maybe golfing for the rest of his campaign will be the only quiet and best strategy.

  8. So Harris today is answering policy question and trump is disrespecting a veterans grave. That’s fitting.

  9. I understand why everyone is making a huge deal over this. Whether he was inconsiderate or broke the law it isn’t going to make a difference. He will never truly be held accountable on the level of a regular citizen. This, like everything else will blow over in a few weeks. He’s been quoted saying wild shit, recorded saying wild shit, caught doing illegal shit, has no sense of morality & they still follow him. I’ve said it before; he will forever be their leader & nothing will change that. He could have a heart attack on live tv & they will blame it on the other side. Nothing to do with diet, exercise or anything other health issues. The conspiracy theories will run wild for far longer than anything. Just stop running to every fire he starts & vote. Let his cult carry on & fade away about how it was stolen again. They’ll be ok one day & if they don’t who cares

  10. Doesn’t he need approval from FCC and doesn’t FCC keep shit like this from happening without major fines and or other consequences? How is he allowed to continue to distort the dissemination of information?

  11. Because the story IS spam, lol. Did anyone else notice that Kamala looked like a middle schooler sitting between her parent and the principal last night. Again, didn’t answer any questions, just talked around. She isn’t even a good bullshiter, which is probably why she dropped out of the race in 2020 before even the first primary took place.

  12. it’s shocking that MAGA isn’t the least bit concerned about this /s

    It’s almost as if they’re full of shit when they’re screaming about patriotism.

  13. If you have a loved one who is buried at ANC or a displeased veteran, call them at 877-907-8585 and express your feelings about tRump’s CAMPAIGN stunt

  14. Good old orange pedo man did a terrible thing and his staff also. All for his ego draft dodger!

  15. Who advised Trump to go to Arlington and that it was a brilliant campaign strategy? I get it if he did so because the family invited him, or did they?

    His team really fucked this up. Great decision making process by someone. Just seems like there are a series of idiotic moves and media comments ever since he brought Lewandowski back. His campaign shows real signs of desperation.

  16. His face is literally orange

    He’s like a clown with his little costume and face paint

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