Dude – she’s a MAGA supporter and wears less eyeliner than you. Try again.

Dude – she’s a MAGA supporter and wears less eyeliner than you. Try again.

Posted by Atticus_Flinch_Esq

  1. They really are digging at the bottom of the barrel now. The best Trump could come up with was that she laughs. The best this guy can do is liken her to someone on their side?

  2. Dude got lucky not having to debate her, although Walz will probably put him in his place too.

  3. “hurr durr she’s so stupid she’d vote for *me!*”

    …ok, buddy.

    *pat pat*

    Run along and have whatever donuts make sense with some sprinkle stuff.

  4. He also made her white and blonde. He is using too much eye liner. It is fucking with her eye sight.

  5. Vance is following tRump’s playbook by trying to be a bully and misogynist. At least Pence avoided being a tRump 2.0 wannabe. It won’t hurt tRump’s votes because nothing he does affects his votes. And vance will try to ride that wake.

  6. I am constantly amazed at how deftly he can face plant while eating his own foot. If it was an Olympic sport, he would have multiple golds.

  7. Few things get a quick child like giggle out of me more than when people are hardcore MAGA and have to watch their own cult turn on them.

    Like The dude who tried to kill Nancy and her husband being labeled Paul’s gay lover or Rittenhouse and Joe Rogan being called a trans women for saying they’d vote RFK. Or the J6ers constantly being called antifa or feds.

  8. Trump and Vance are both just bad incel comedians. It might land well in the hard core Joe Rogan fanbase, but is absolutely repulsive to everyone else.

  9. Wait….

    You’re telling me a vapid, beauty contest, Deep South inhabitant, low IQ person is a Trump supporter?!

  10. They should’ve skipped her vaccines….too late now. She already procreated. The stupid genes have already been passed on.

  11. we all know MAGA hates women and yet they have women who are the submissive and weak type that will follow them.

  12. Fun fact, Trump signed her to a modeling contract after her pageant performance. She also got divorced in 2019 and promptly had a baby with a new boyfriend, so definitely a member of the party for family values.

  13. Somebody mind explaining this? I’m not going on twitter or “truth” or whatever this is. From what I can infer, Vance in all his intelligence posted a video of this cunt Upton and is joking that she’s Harris?

  14. JD Vance asked AI to write him a joke and he accidentally used the MS Word paper clip from Windows 98.

  15. Trump and Vance hate women. Truly hate women. Grab them by the pussy. Childless cat ladies. How in the fuck a woman would ever even consider voting for them is beyond my comprehension. They will say how evil porn is while lapping up every word these weirdos say.

  16. I believe she is so dumb, such as, not grasping what a, such as, map is that of, such as, course she would support Trump and, such as, MAGA…………..such as.

  17. Maybe it’s just me, but I’d rather have candidates who offered more than fear mongering, lies, and childish insults.

  18. Any evidence she’s a MAGA supporter? People keep saying that without any proof.

  19. Upton also released a statement saying that all the negative comments and mocking led her to consider suicide. Maybe just leave her alone. Whatever her political beliefs are it’s cruel to continue using her to mock anyone.

  20. Plot twist. Somebody in his team doesn’t like the douchebag and set him up with this gem on purpose, or they are really this fucking stupid.

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