Trump’s Desperate Shift to ‘Pro-Abortion’ Backfires, Sparking Fury Among Conservatives: ‘Today’s The Day He Lost’

Trump’s Desperate Shift to ‘Pro-Abortion’ Backfires, Sparking Fury Among Conservatives: ‘Today’s The Day He Lost’

Trump’s Desperate Shift to ‘Pro-Abortion’ Backfires, Sparking Fury Among Conservatives: ‘Today’s The Day He Lost’

Posted by inewser

  1. He will always be able to get HIS mistress an abortion. He probably can’t get an erection anymore though.

  2. Every day is the “day he lost”. He’s undisciplined and can’t control himself.

    Keep taking, idiot.

  3. Dear Republiclowns…haven’t you learned anything about Seditionist Trump?

    He will say anything…do anything, if he thinks it helps him win

  4. Wait a minute, he was pro-choice before he terminated Roe and now he’s pro-choice again?

  5. He talks out both sides of his mouth. How can you trust him when he says anything to see what sticks to get your vote, then change up after your vote is tabulated.

  6. Trump has no spine, no balls, nothing. He’s so desperate for a win that he’ll change policy at the drop of a hat if it helps him.

  7. Ex-government employee Donald is tearing his rectum wide open by attempting to sit on that fence. It probably looks like his mouth now.

  8. The say he lost will be November 6th – if he loses by a margin big enough, not even SCOTUS can steal the election.

    So [make sure you can vote]( and VOTE. Also, check your voter registration on the deadline for your state. Voter roll purges are happening.

  9. There’s probably not enough digits on the human body to count how Trump spawn have been aborted through his mistresses and 13-year-old rape victims

  10. While I am absolutely pro-choice, his comments make me roll my eyes because he is always insincere. He will simply say whatever he thinks he needs to say at any given moment to get his way. I don’t think he cares strongly one way or another on the abortion debate or anything else for that matter- all he cares about is putting himself in a position of power.

  11. That bloke is the cherry tree in cherry-picking… he will say anything and its contrary, and people will pick whatever cherry they prefer and ignore the others…

  12. The fact the Georgia anti-abortion group mentioned in the article is run by a MAN should say everything.

  13. *Everyone was asking for it. Democrats and Republicans.*

    Turns out that not everyone was asking for it. In fact, a definitive *minority* asked for it.

    So, Donnie, let’s see some of that deal-making you claim to be the best at…

  14. My Cheerios got soggy this morning. Trump did it.Got into a fender bender. Trump didn’t use his turn signal….

  15. You have to wonder: how many abortions has he paid for, and whose? Ivanka, Melania, or his paid partners?

  16. It is important to remember that Trump actually doesn’t give a flying fuck about the issue of abortion. He will say whatever he thinks will get him the most votes that moment.

  17. I wonder when his campaign will get around to aborting JD Vance. They already missed the 6 week window.

  18. Most women are smart enough to know that this is just one more lie to garner possible votes. If he wins, he’ll walk that one back as well.

  19. At this point he could be pro-abortion, pro-universal healthcare, and advocate to ban guns and his base would still worship him. 

  20. God forbid he gets elected. I’d wager he never follows through on any of his “pro-choice” rhetoric.

  21. Can’t wait for him to lose his 3rd straight popular vote and, if not for a broken electoral college 3rd straight election.

  22. > Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    We’ve been talking about his thousands of crimes and gaffes for the last eight years, every single conversation ending with “surely this is the end for him.”

    Please stop it. We’re allowing him to control the news cycle.

    His new take on abortion WILL NOT HURT HIM. We know he’s lying. His voters know he’s lying.

    Stop underestimating this man. Stop searching for the one thing that would cause him to lose his voters.

    Get out the vote. He could well win in November.

  23. Wow, how this man lies, I have found out how to tell when he is lying, His lips are moving. But we also need to thank Putin for saving Trump from having square lips. Trump was born with square lips, but Putin got them things nice and round now.

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