Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ Desperate Attempt to Mock Kamala Harris Totally Blows Up in Her Face

Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ Desperate Attempt to Mock Kamala Harris Totally Blows Up in Her Face

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Little Miss nepotism should keep her mouth shut since everything she’s ever said has appealed only one type person

  2. Ol’ Google Eyes is at it again, firing shots while hiding behind that expensive podium.

  3. I can only imagine the things Trump says about her mug when she isn’t around. Or when she is around for that matter.

  4. republicans have nothing to offer people, besides more hate and contempt. i never hear anything positive about anything or anybody coming from republicans.

  5. The FBI failed America’s gymnastics program by failing to stop Larry Nassar from violating hundreds of girls…

    … Will the FBI be there for Sarah Sanders’ newly launched labor workforce of Arkansas’ minor children?

    Was the FBI even consulted Governor Huckabee-Sanders?

  6. Nepotism is the only cure for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, it seems. Good job, Suckabee.

    Vote Blue!

  7. Okay, but that website makes my eyes want to bleed, I feel like I’m trying to read a story on the TV playing “Ow my balls” in Idiocracy.

  8. The old saying is “ beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes to the bone”……. Her and that horse faced cum dumpster in Georgia are living proof of that.

  9. She does a a $19,000.00 lectern tho. Children are going hungry so she could have that precious item.

  10. How Sara became governor is a mystery to me! No talent, no brain. Wait she is a Republican! I get it now.

  11. Why is it every time I see a picture of that dumpy looking bitch Sarah Huckabee Sanders, it looks like she ate a previous version of herself and gained another 3 chins?

  12. Meanwhile Trump is trying to avoid being seen with Vance. Yeah that’s a healthy relationship right there

  13. ‘Ol Hatchet Face. Every time she opens her mouth stupidity runs all down the front of her burlap sack.

  14. I remember a trumper coworker making fun of Obama’s ears and Buttigeig’s sexuality, but when I saw something hideous and said it looked like Sarah Huckabee Sanders (it really did) he goes “well, that’s just mean” and got truly upset. Such evident hypocrisy, but that shit was hilarious!

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