The timing of this movie is suspicious

The timing of this movie is suspicious

Posted by Charmin_Mao

  1. There is a whole group dedicated to bringing shit retcon movies to gullible MAGAs Apparently they make money

  2. Reagan sucked but some of his policies especially around immigration and gun control would have him banished from the Trump Party today.

  3. Honestly it isn’t remembering Reagan as much as it is looking at the results of his policies. A LOT of the issues we have now can be tracked back to his policies. Wealth disparity, for example, is a pretty straight line to trickle down economics.

  4. Reagan made the same mistake the Soviets made: He failed to factor human nature into the equation. Trickle down economics and deregulation are great *in theory*, but they require a certain level of self policing by those at the top of the food chain. Inevitably, greed takes over and the lower 95% of the population gets screwed.

    Communism (in its pure form) has the same weakness.

  5. Reagan was too dumb to have read Machiavelli’s “The Prince” but I suspect that Nancy read it to him so that he could APPEAR to be good while in REALITY he was an asshole who ruined the vast majority of citizens.

  6. The best thing Reagan ever did for me was die. We all got a day off when he kicked the bucket.

  7. What did Reagan do but outspend Russia into bankruptcy. Okay. Russia is still a problem. What was sacrificed for all that spending on defense that we’re impacted by today?

  8. Absolutely not watching this movie, but my neighbor told me there’s no mention of his “Make America Great” slogan (which he stole from the KKK). Also, Creed as Frank Sinatra? LOL. Everything about this movie has ok boomer vibes.

  9. The preview for this thing looks like one of those low-budget Kevin Sorbo Jesus movies filmed on someone’s iPhone. And they’ll still bitch that it doesn’t win Oscars.

  10. We owe debts to Ronald Reagan that we will never be able to repay.

    But he liked Jelly Belly’s, The Beach Boys, and they called him “The Gipper” which was somewhat funny.

  11. I wonder how they are going to portray his criminally irresponsible mishandling of the AIDS crisis?

  12. I think the most important Reagan factoid is two years after he left the presidency he was formally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. That means he had Alzheimer’s as president. Reports from aides inside the White House confirm this. He liked things kept veeeeery simple. If you made it complicated it would confuse him and he would yell at you. Nancy screened for him.

  13. Some people who actually remember Regan were beneficiaries of his suicidally destructive policies. They only hurt *most of the people*, don’t forget. Others loved his racism so much, they didn’t care how hard they were being fucked.

    Remind you of anything?

  14. I saw the trailer for this movie. I thought it was a parody at first. It looks *hilarious.*

  15. I look forward to it making less than a million this weekend. It’s a walking bomb.

  16. It’s so gross seeing Denis Quade as Reagan. Randy would have been more appropriate. Piss his pants and forget who he was whenever someone fires up a microwave

  17. Old raygun was hated during his presidency, just made the repukes and businessmen happy

  18. Actually sold the idea that the biggest problem the country had was getting in the way of unfettered wealth by the super rich and holding huge corporate polluters accountable.

    We are not a bright people

  19. Yeah, my wife and I saw the trailer when we went to see Twisters, and were waiting for the part where he throws Rock Hudson under the bus.

  20. I’d take Reagan over Trump any day. At least the man would admit he lost if he lost an election.

  21. Just in sheer long term impact, Reagan might actually be the worst president the US has ever had.

    Too many boomers couldn’t look past the manufactured charisma and the “wow the Iranians were so scared of big strong movie man that they released the hostages right after he was elected!”, and now we’re STILL having to deal with the effects decades later.

  22. During the Iran-Contra testimony Reagan kept saying he didn’t remember things, and then it turns out he had Alzheimer’s and maybe he actually didn’t remember.

    It seems like illegally selling weapons to terrorists, to secretly funnel money to other terrorists would be the kind of thing that would stick in your head, but everyone is different.

    He really should have checked with his official White House Astrologer on that one.

  23. Ask some Black folks what they think of Reagan. Or listen to any hip hop song from the ’80s.

    “I threw a BBQ when Reagan died” – Killer Mike

  24. Millions of dollars were spent to reinvent Reagan after his death in order to make him an icon of the conservatives. Their retcon of his time in office conveniently leaves out how he almost got impeached, had all but ignored the AIDS crisis, fumbled terrorism, failed to curb national debt, was embroiled in several horrendous scandals, neutered the press, and gutted the middleclass (with the help of Congress).

  25. Leeja Miller did a great video over Reagan and how bad he hurt our country. Look it up on YouTube

  26. People who actually remember Reagan are the fucking boomers who overwhelming voted him into power and are generally more conservative. It’s millennials and gen z that hate him for his trickle down bullshit.

  27. From the Daily Beast about the director:

    “Directed by Sean McNamara, the artist behind 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain, Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite, and Baby Geniuses and the Treasure of Egypt and its follow-up Baby Geniuses and the Space Baby, Reagan lives up to its creator’s illustrious canon.”

  28. “People who remember Reagan” were the ones that were lied to about Reagan and post all the “I miss respectable Republicans!” comments.

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