Trump Suggests Gold Star Families to Blame for Arlington Cemetery Controversy. The former president said it may have been Gold Star families, not his campaign, who distributed images and videos of him at Arlington National Cemetery

Trump Suggests Gold Star Families to Blame for Arlington Cemetery Controversy.
The former president said it may have been Gold Star families, not his campaign, who distributed images and videos of him at Arlington National Cemetery

Posted by DippyHippy420

  1. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – Associated Press (A-): [Trump campaign was warned not to take photos at Arlington before altercation, defense official says](
    – Axios (B+): [Trump's Arlington Cemetery dispute escalates](
    – NPR (B+): [Trump campaign staff had altercation with official at Arlington National Cemetery](
    – Atlantic (B-): [Why Trump’s Arlington Debacle Is So Serious](

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  2. The number one rule to being an adult is taking responsibility for your own actions. Never going to happen with him.

  3. I’m a veteran. I sympathize with families who have lost loved ones while serving. Having said that, how could anyone on this planet believe this draft dodging, rapist felon would have their family’s best interest in mind? Until the day I die I will never understand how anyone supports this repugnant “man”.

  4. Should be expect anything different? Once again; the not me, it was them story. So predictable.

  5. I was an Attorney-Advisor in the Pentagon General Counsel’s Office in the Carter administration. If this has come to my office in those days, I’d be on the phone with DOJ to start a prosecution against anyone who laid a finger on a cemetery employee.

    Trump is demonstrating to the first judge who will pass sentence on him–Judge Merchan in NYC–that he and his mouth belong behind bars for the security and sanity of the country.

    If this is what Trump is doing 77 days out from Election Day, then he’s losing. Justice for him will await the sentence of the people at the polls.

    All you active duty folk and vets out there, remember to vote.

  6. Hopefully now this family are democrat voters. This arse clown just keeps going lower and lower, I can’t look away tbh.

  7. Yes… the gold star family produced and then released through his team the promotional video that was filmed and photographed by Trumps team.

    Makes total sense.

    I really hate this weird orange low IQ waste of space.

  8. Actually, Orange Hitler thinks it’s the veteran’s fault for getting killed. He prefers veterans that didn’t get killed and people who never served even more. But, by all means veterans, join the cult and vote against your interests.

  9. It was posted on his campaigns social media.. how the fuck is his team not responsible?? This guy needs to take one to the dome. Sooner the better..


  11. Donholio: “Can I… can I scrape my shoe… shoe heels on one..? One of their gravestones? Of course… course I can…! King for LIFE!”

    Orange Duh-sease laughs so hard, his dentures fly out, cluttering on the tomb of the unknown soldier.

  12. Can someone just slap this man? Just reach out and beat some sense into him? One good crack. It people like this who have never felt a good back hand. He never learned that stupidity has consequences

  13. So the family made trump’s team film it and then they made them post it on his crappy Twitter wannabe site?

  14. What I have utter difficulty reconciling is the probability that family concerned will still be willing to support a lying duplicitous rapist shitstain who not only thought it appropriate to wear a shiteatinggrin and do a thumbs up over the grave of their son, but then was willing to throw that same family under a bus, dishonouring their own son, them and everyone else who has died in service to their country .

    He really is lower than a cunt.

  15. These people are repugnant. They’ve actually doxxed the cemetery worker who tried to uphold the law. She got shoved, and now the death threats.


  17. FFS Trump was totally unaware that it was a tacky and boorish idea to begin with.
    Common sense alone should inform anyone with an ounce of empathy that this photo op was just gross.

  18. Trump is just so disgusting. I wake up every morning and eagerly check the news to see if that number one example of why abortions are sometimes necessary, croaked choking on a chicken McNugget.

  19. This guy will blame the toilet seat for it getting full of shit when he squats on top of it and misses.
    He is never at fault for anything.

  20. Classic Waddles. He is perfect, everyone else is wrong, fake, or rigged. He couldn’t cop to it, apologize, or admit that maybe a member of his perfect team may have been in the wrong. He always has to double down, and insist he did absolutely nothing wrong, because he’s just incapable of not being perfect.

  21. Yup. Gold Star families used his photographer and videographer and posted them to his social media accounts. His followers are special kinds of idiots to believe these things.

  22. How does he explain the piss stains all over his mother and fathers grave stones…

  23. It ***might*** have been the family and not Trump’s campaign who released the photos. Duh-huh. It ***might*** have been Smurfs and not me who ate the last couple of cookies out of my cookie jar. Ain’t know one gonna believe that, but it ***might*** be true. 🙄

  24. Always an excuse always someone else’s fault. I’m tired of this garbage. Vote HarrIs. to register

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