[OC] Brazilian, bikini, or bush; how straight, gay, and lesbian reddit couples choose to style their pubic hair

[OC] Brazilian, bikini, or bush; how straight, gay, and lesbian reddit couples choose to style their pubic hair

Posted by messy_quill

  1. Needs an NSFW tag but other than that, congratulations for the originality and clarity. The subject may not be appealing to all but I appreciate how you treated the whole. Personally I would like to see a statistical comparison between the three groups, not only in terms of percentages but via statistical significance tests.

  2. Only 24% of hetero men go natural? That tells me all I need to know about how “representative” this data is

  3. This is pretty neat! I am surprised at the overlap between hetero couples where both are just trimmed. I guess the women with men who are not total shitbags probably don’t feel the need to complain about how their dude is rocking a full bush but calls them disgusting for a single hair, so i read about that less often. It is interesting that in lesbian relationships, there is still quite a large amount that goes full shaved. I assume that for a lot of those women it is a hygiene thing rather than feeling pressure from their partner, but i could be wrong.

  4. Because all the penises are circumcised I thought the “partial removed” was referencing foreskins at first glance lol

  5. I think age and also nationality would be factors that would show interesting variance

  6. I don’t know if it’s a strong convention but you should arrange them:

    Not like you have them now:

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