Cognitive Decline? Trump Goes on Weird Rant About Bacon and Wind Power

Cognitive Decline? Trump Goes on Weird Rant About Bacon and Wind Power

Posted by Living-Restaurant892

  1. Decline-holio: “Wh… where am I…? Is that… is that Ivana..? The first wife, what’s her name? I think I seeeeeee her… wave to the crowds, baby… yeah… great rally!”

  2. Cognitive decline now??? Motherfucker, he’s been dying slowly for the past 10 years and people keep cheering him on…

  3. Don’t let this monster off on “cognitive decline”! Trump knows what he is doing and should be locked away in the most dismal prison we can find.

  4. The windmill bit has been in his act for years, but the bacon routine is kind of new. “Sir? We can’t even afford bacon, sir”…sure Waddles, whatever you say.

  5. Looks like that “personal Vietnam (aka syphilis)” is finally catching up with the old dotard.

    His shit diet and lack of exercise are the just the turd nugget on top of that shit cake.

  6. Maybe he should tell everyone again how no one can afford bacon in front of his golf club with a 500k membership fee. 

  7. there’s not much to decline from. it more like stepping off a curb as opposed to falling off a cliff

  8. He’s no longer able to connect his random thoughts. Hopefully the swing voters clue in before it’s too late.

  9. I‘d like to say cognitive rock bottom, but he has proven over and over again that the bar can always go lower

  10. Weirdly, I kind of got where he was going. Bacon prices are up and so are energy prices, which he is arguing is exacerbated by a switch to wind which he sees as expensive and unreliable. Not true but I at least got the thread.

    I do wonder though if he hears the word inflation as “inflate” and it makes him think of air.

  11. I can’t cook on my gas stove top, and with all the “whoop, whoop, whoop” from the wind turbines I can’t sleep, and it gives me and many people cancer, but now they want to take away my bacon!!??

  12. No doubt about it, Trump is more off, more scattered, more incoherent than four years ago. We absolutely need to see him in a debate. He cannot seem to hold a train of thought to discuss a point of argument at all. To comfort himself when caught up in this process, he uses his accordion hands motion, waving them in and out while he tries to pull his thoughts together—an exercise in futility. He’s a lazy man with a lazy mind. In the past, his money negated his mental frailty, giving him a pass. But now it’s out there in the open for all to see. He’s condition is worse than that of President Biden. He must not regain the Oval Office.

  13. How? How can anyone think this dumb fuck has any intelligence whatsoever? Fuck me running.

  14. To be fair, he’s a 78-year old retread. Oldest guy to run for president. He isn’t going to get better. Vance was brought in to govern just in case.

  15. He’s been in cognitive decline for most of a decade. Are people just noticing now?

  16. I mean, it’s perfectly clear. The price of bacon is tied directly to the amount of wind energy being produced. I remember around 40 years ago, there was no wind energy, and bacon was dirt cheap. And don’t go trying to tell me that correlation does not mean causation.

  17. Yes yes Bacon and Wind Power of course! His sundown syndrome is kicking in, I think its past his jail time. Hush now piggy 🐷 itll be over soon

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