Kursk incursion is ruining Putin’s reputation among Russian elite | Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges

Kursk incursion is ruining Putin’s reputation among Russian elite | Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges

“What does it take for Russian people to finally say that’s enough?”

Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges analyses the Kursk incursion and reports of a second attempt by Ukraine on the Russian border.

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  1. Wars are primarily about money, politics is the justification, but it's really about taking something from someone else. The oligarchs are losing a lot of money with this war. They must already be working on a 'solution'.

  2. Putin will not be allowed to win that's obvious so that hasn't moved Oligarchs to remove Putin, they must know Putins ego led him on this craziness

  3. Russia would really benefit from a leader who does not have JUST a Soviet/Russian mindset. The rest of the world does not think nor formulate policies that way.

  4. Are you off your meds? The usa armed and trained a bunch of nazis and helped them to attack Russia, You people have allowed your blind hatred to rule your logic. What will it take for the American public to remove the neocons?Seeing Washington on fire?

  5. answer: nothing.

    they votet for their führer.
    basically all he does is what they voted for. invasion. occupation.
    dead sons. killing others…

    if they didnt vote for that
    then something major is wrong. but they didnt protest against the results so that aproves all is to their will.
    in other words, they wont stand up because he is doing exactly what they voted for

    one would say who lives in vote, protest, demonstrate, petition democracy😊

  6. What does it take for Australia's Murdock owned media channels pushing Russian propaganda?. If I watched Australian corporate media, I might be fooled into thinking Putin is blitzing this war & Ukraine troops are attacking a nuclear plant.. they're still 25kms away from.

  7. In the battle of Singapore, Japan lost 1000 soldiers and took 100,000 British POWs.

    In the battle of Hong kong, Japan lost 700 soldiers, and took 10,000 British POWs.

  8. The USA has a debt of 35 trillion.

    The UK has a debt of 10 trillion, that is $140,000 per person in UK, and the median net worth per adult in UK is $150,000.

    The GDP of the West is big, their buying power is far smaller.

  9. Putin is basically unaccountable which is what Trump yearns to be. Can’t wait to see Russia solve its Putin problem. America will solve its Trump problem this November.

  10. Sadly, it's all about Trump at this point. Within 6 months, if Trump loses, the Russians will have to realize they've got no viable end-game. If Trump wins, either Europe has to step up to fill the gap, or Ukraine has to compromise. Please help ensure Ukraine survives!

    I suspect the Russian economy and military readiness are ruined for a decade or more in either case.

  11. During WW2, The Soviet Union lost an estimated 11,000 small arms, 68 tanks, and 30 aircraft every day. If this becomes a war of attrition, Ukraine needs a backstop for many years to come

  12. Here we go again with the Oligarchs run Putin. No it is the other way around, they know their place and will not step out of line. They have no powerbase in the Kremlin, the Duma, Putin"s party, the people, the armed forces, the security apparatus, in fact nothing just finances.
    The sad thing is I think they know this but just feel they have to repeat this. Yes. It has been tried in the past and failed. No oligarch inside Russia would realistically make a move nowdays. In the past yes, now no.
    Even a defeat on Ukraine woulld be unlikely to change the regime as they would say the process of "demilitarisation of Ukraine is completed.
    Anyone who thinks there are not Russian soldiers from St Petersburg and Moscow in Ukraine listens to too much western propoganda. Russia is expanding Army size and an invaded country unlikely to struggle with volunteers for their armed forces.

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