We were kings and such

by SaveEurope88

  1. That Cleopatra supremacy series really backfired more than they could’ve known.

  2. Yes, but did you know Egypt is in the continent of Africa, making ancient Egyptians by definition Africans. Check mate genealogists.

  3. Closely related to some more than others probably. I can’t imagine Luigis and Pedros being Pharoahs

  4. So Egyptian exhibit in the British Museum should be ours then, and isn’t ‘stolen’

    Good to know.

  5. Are we genuinely upvoting posts from a ‘u/saveeurope88’ now? With racial caricatures and “we wuz kangz” in the comments?

    Too few people who know what a joke is in this sub anymore, and too many actual wannabe nazis.

    This shit will get the sub banned.

  6. Ancient Egyptians = Black people ✅

    Ancient Egyptians = European ✅

    Ancient Egyptians = Egyptians ❌❌❌

    Europeans = Black people 😳😮

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