Would they??

by Lila_SQ

  1. Each brit would have to drink about 5 times more than each American if my just woken up brain is working right?

  2. Yes. The English might not even need to be called upon if we let the Scots go first

  3. Yo I’m a drunk ass American reading this at 3:30 in the morning and I can tell you confidently this is false.

  4. You underestimate the amount of bone-tired American workers who have spent their 12 hour working day avoiding being fired in the spot for no reason and go home and polish off a 6-pack every night. They are hardier than the Friday night spoons-boozers in the UK

  5. Americans drink two of their weird little half pints, then just get very shouty.
    We British drink 6 actualy pints before you’d even be able to tell we’d had a drink. Then the shit gets real after that

  6. I’d say with the majority of the US you’d have a fair shot, until the 300-400lb southerners hit up that chat. I know a man that physically doesn’t get drunk despite drinking all day. Not to mention moonshiners in Appalachia which are Scotts-Irish anyways. I’d say it would be a fun battle.

  7. No contest, especially when you consider that an American who had a beer 15 years ago when it wasn’t even the weekend will now count themselves an alcoholic.

  8. Well, if you think critically about this, I’d imagine the majority of UK wouldn’t be allowed to drink, whether legally or for religious reasons.

  9. Just throw a few Weston’s Vintage at the American’s and they’d be out for the count

  10. Based on TV shows where they only take a 6 pack of beers and get pissed whilst sharing them, yes

  11. Easily, it would be declared a no-contest after the Americans passed out before the Brits got a bit buzzed. For clarification, I have drank with Americans many times, and had my eyebrows raised by how easily they get drunk.

  12. Considering how many puritan nutters the US has, yes. Yes, I would take that bet.

  13. American here, reckoned competent with a glass. I’ve drunk with British people, lived to tell of it, and I’m here to tell you without shame that I would fear for the safety and sovereignty of my beloved nation were this contest to come to pass.

  14. They don’t start till they reach their 20’s. We get a lot of practice in, in our teens. I’m confident.

  15. So on average we need to drink five times as much as the Americans. That in itself seems pretty reasonable. That’s like going out for a night out with someone drinking bud while you are drinking Belgian beer.
    Other factors to consider are in the UK we start drinking in our mid teens so we have far more experience – a 21 year old Brit is a hardened drinker but a 21 year old septic is going to get smashed on a few drinks.
    The US also has whole regions of puritans who don’t drink at all. These areas massively outnumber Muslim areas in the U.K. where we have small concentrations of people who don’t drink for religious reasons.
    Basically it’s a cake walk.
    And for all the jocks and taffs bragging about how they think they are special – any vicars wife in any English village across the land can out drink you fellas in fizz or gin – calm down.

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