the movie actor?!

the movie actor?!

Posted by parenthetical_phrase

  1. The fact he wasn’t prosecuted for his hands on role in the Iran contra situation was despicable. Then again, republicans have been shielding their own from any responsibilities for 40+ years now so this is just par for the course.

  2. Reagan and Thatcher – two people loathed by so many in their own countries, and so many more people outside their countries….

  3. Man, that guy was *such* a piece of shit. If I was king for a day, there would be a statue of him in the middle of DC being pissed on by an Uncle Sam statue for all eternity.

    He deserves to be remembered as nothing but an abject failure and a villain of the highest order.

  4. We have the modern rise of global fascism because of Reagan and neoliberalism. 

    Right wing politics are a cancer on humanity.

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