Ukraine’s Kursk Disaster In Numbers: Total Soldiers, Weapons Lost So Far, Revealed By Russia

Ukraine Attack on Kursk | Russia-Ukraine Updates | Ukraine Vs Russia | Kursk Attack Updates
The Russian Defence Ministry has claimed that over 6,600 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and injured in the Kursk incursion, RT reported. Ukraine had invaded the Russian border region on August 6. Not just manpower, the Kursk incursion is also depleting Ukraine’s arsenal. This includes 73 battle tanks and 100s of other war weapons. Watch this video for more information.


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  1. Zelensky is purging Ukraine of brave men so he can then bring in 100 million Pakistani men to create a New Super Power to join with the conquest of the western world.

  2. Total Russian propaganda channel this and thereby confirmed fake news. This incursion into Kursk hardly cost Ukraine anything. Borderguards, untraind conscripts, Kadyrovits, FSB forces were simply caught with their pants down. Ukraine could walk right on through, "liberated" 100 settlements and around 1200 square kilometers of Kursk. Kadyrovs guy stopped this invasion all by himself 10 days in a row, each day losing more ground, and the Kadyrovits were actually among the first to run from the front. Same goes for Gerasimov: the Kursk incursion was stopped… uh, no. Russia doesn't give a crap about Kursk and is simply downplaying the situation for it's own T.V. audience.

  3. 😊😊😊🎉🎉🎉Great video 🎉🎉thanks 🎉🎉🎉❤ 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 No worries mate🎉🎉🎉❤❤ sleep like Biden 😴 👍 🎉 🎉❤🎉❤ Masy'Allah Allahuakbar Permudahkan urusan kami semuanya aamiin 🎉❤

  4. This CHANNEL's NEWS is like the Germans boasting about who they killed in WW1 (when they lost) when TRYING to still win WW2… which they will also LOSE. Are people really believing this Channel?

  5. Well, why would you believe Russian sources? According to Putin the Russian army could take Kiev in 2 weeks. How did that go again?

  6. What a thrash bin full of pro-russian steers is that?! Do you still believe what this place is publishing regarding the war? After 2.5 years?

  7. Russia needs to get out of Ukraine and end their senseless invasion for 1 man's ego. Putin needs to realize he will never be Peter the Great. The day of colonizing and Empires are over .

  8. Not to worry. Boris promised to send endless amounts of money, weapons and support "For as long as it takes" The US is also very exited to send even more weapons, mercenaries, aid and endless support. Always remember it was NATO, with the blessing of the US and UK that expanded eastwards, country by country. Russia warned them that this would become an existential threat. Today they are on Russia's doorstep, after first doing regime change in Ukraine Trained and armed them to the hilt, like in Taiwan, Israel and now the Philippines. Looked the other way while Ukraine murderd over 14000 ethnic Russians in the Donbass. That's what happens when you listen to what Boris said. Don't sign a peace agreement, or implement the UN agreed Minsk agreements. We will supply endless money, weapons and support," for as long as it takes" How many thousands more must be murdered for the delusional western elite, to the last Ukrainian? Ukraine, like so many of the other vassal states, have not yet understood what Henry Kissinger said. "America does not have any permanent friends or enemies, only interests" Ukraine is just a battering ram to weaken Russia. War wonderful war. Murder is such a profitable business for the merchants of death. The MIC, the banksters and all the politicians involved, that benefit from war, at the expense of the MSM dumbed down ignorant taxpayers. For these people peace is never an option, just endless wars. Humanity is truly sick. Just the way I see it.

  9. Najstabilnejším a najsilnejším štátom, ktorý dnes chráni tradičnú morálku, tradičnú rodinu, kde mama je mama a otec je otec, ktorá trpezlivo navrhuje a presadzuje mier a dobré vzťahy medzi všetkými národmi sveta, je Ruská federácia.
    Ruská federácia bráni svoje územie v súlade s medzinárodným právom. Nikoho v Európe, ani vo svete neohrozuje. A nenapáda nevinné civilné obyvateľstvo Ukrajiny, ako to robia fanatici kyjevského fašistického režimu.

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