How can anyone support a candidate for president AKA commander-in-chief that shows in every action and word how much he does not respect the U.S. military?

So, if elected, he would lead a massive military that he has no respect for. How do people spin that to make sense?

Posted by dragonmom1971

  1. Oh the Trump crowd will find a way to excuse this. Just like everything else. I had a debate with another guy about this topic. He tried to claim that Obama and Biden did the same thing (they didn’t) and that the employee was not shoved because no one took a video or picture of it.

    These are horrible people who back a horrible person. They don’t even stand for anything anymore. They claim to be patriots and pro-military but they aren’t.

  2. Because they are evil people who hate this country.

    We are long past the point where there is any degree of doubt to be had. That is the only explanation that makes sense.

  3. It’s simple, they worship Satan, and DonOLD is his Anti-Christ. Genuinely. Christ gave his followers one commandment regarding those you share creation with (love them!) and they have decided to do the opposite. What is the opposite of Christ and God? The Anti-Christ and Satan. Theologically and literally, these people worship the Devil, and they’re proud of being the worst people to ever live.

  4. Because he’ll say a quote like “Nobody has ever respected the Military, our great great military, and that’s what they are, they’re great, nobody has done more for our brave troops than me.”

    And his followers eat it up

  5. When your identity becomes more important than independent thought, that’s when you get brown shirts.

  6. Of all the contradictions in Trump world, the most confusing to me is his support within the military community. Even if we forget every other slight, just look at how he(a draft dodger) treated John McCain. How can people who value military service honestly look at his behavior and still support him? I’ll never get it.

  7. They think God put him on earth to rule. I’m not kidding, these fuckers are unhinged crazy cultist. It’s just that serious

  8. A lot of people that go into the military are not doing it out of some altruistic sense of duty to defend democracy. Instead, they barely scraped by in high school and don’t have a lot of other options in terms of education or employment. These are the same undereducated and disenfranchised class of people that tend to support Trump. They see him as anti-establishment and find his ignorant and bigoted viewpoints to be validating of their own.

  9. I followed the link to the video but decided Fuck Trump. I’m not going watch this disgrace from a disgraceful man.

  10. Right?! What a disgrace to those military personnel who protect us every day? I will NEVER get it.

  11. You people are a joke
    He’s there with the family of a fallen
    Military soldier. Showing them respect and thanking them for their service.
    I don’t see Joe or the hoe
    Ever showing respect.
    They want to defund the military
    And the police So dumbassocrates. God willing creek don’t rise. We will have our country back. In republicans. Hands

  12. The lengths that people go to in order to support their God-like celebrity candidate is beyond appaling. Everything bad that Trump has said or done has no effect on their decision. They will vote for him no matter what.

  13. No one is talking about the medal of Honor fiasco, trump knows how to manipulate the media, I’m sure this was by design

  14. Is anyone going to press charges? Trump and Gov. Cox broke a federal law. Are they above the law?

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