“If elected I will lower taxes!”

“If elected I will lower taxes!”

Posted by mikemongo

  1. So true Sam, but they don’t think about what they will lose if taxes are cut 🤦‍♀️

  2. I have some family members that basically worship this “lower taxes” mantra.

    So, I ask them what we should do on our family vacation, go the amazing resort with an amazing pool area and on the lake, with beautiful views, even though it is expensive.

    Or should we all go to the Motel 4 that costs $4 per hour, has a CRT TV with rabbit ears, and is under a 12 lane highway overpass next to the railroad.

    They say the choose the nice place. I point out if they choose that for one week, why not choose it for your entire life. Do you really want to live in the lowest bargain basement shit hole country where society fails at the most basic things?

  3. I’ll always refer to [this clip](https://youtu.be/WdzuqjUvxSI?si=vDZRzmGy9BK3USNY) from “Becker” when this topic comes up.

    “You’re not listening! I can’t help! Nobody can help. That facility is not going to reopen, and I’ll tell you why: there is no money! There’s no money because the federal government cut taxes, which is all anybody seems to care about anymore. That means less money for the state, which means less money for the city, which means we had to cut services, which means fewer cops, fewer firemen, bad air, bad water and crappy schools which will turn out yet another generation of voters too stupid and greedy to care about anything else besides cutting taxes! So don’t you come in here and tell me to fix your problem, because there’s not a DAMN THING I CAN DO ABOUT IT!… Where did that come from?”

  4. Paying taxes get you roads, schools, teachers, police, firefighters, government people who keep our food and water clean, the military, etc. I wish I paid taxes for healthcare so I’m not screwed over by for profit healthcare.

    Tax the rich more.

  5. “I don’t agree with his Bart killing policy, but I do approve his Selma killing policy”
    “Well, he framed me for bank robbery but man, I’m making for this upper class tax cut”

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