Sporting the old “pudding bowl and a stanley knife” haircut.
Look at all the benefits of European integration! This guy would normally just be playing the frog by the side of the street, but thanks to the British Erasmus students he now does it on a balcony!
Italian gargoyle
Now we know what to do when AI and automation takes over the other jobs.
(They can never do this!)
Naples correct?
I mean, if you don’t have a job just invent one. Golden standard Italian advice 👌
This has to be someone that lost a bet
Fucking hell can whoever owns the house alarm please turn it off? People are trying to hump in the alley way.
It’s been a while since I last saw Nespolo. Always fun to watch him perform, he’s VERY good at what he does!
Middle Ages were fun
Edmund Blackadder’s less successful cousin
Salve Grumio
Smartest italian man
“there are lots of jobs in Europe” The jobs:
I hope he doesn’t meet a Brazilian on a bad day…
Most productive PIGS job
Am I tripping or there is a severed foot hanging on a hook behind him?
Some starved french guy is going to jump on him and eat his legs
Plot twist: he’s french
Shittest looking cockerel I’ve ever seen.
Sporting the old “pudding bowl and a stanley knife” haircut.
Look at all the benefits of European integration! This guy would normally just be playing the frog by the side of the street, but thanks to the British Erasmus students he now does it on a balcony!
Italian gargoyle
Now we know what to do when AI and automation takes over the other jobs.
(They can never do this!)
Naples correct?
I mean, if you don’t have a job just invent one. Golden standard Italian advice 👌
This has to be someone that lost a bet
Fucking hell can whoever owns the house alarm please turn it off? People are trying to hump in the alley way.
It’s been a while since I last saw Nespolo. Always fun to watch him perform, he’s VERY good at what he does!
Middle Ages were fun
Edmund Blackadder’s less successful cousin
Salve Grumio
Smartest italian man
“there are lots of jobs in Europe”
The jobs:
I hope he doesn’t meet a Brazilian on a bad day…
Most productive PIGS job
Am I tripping or there is a severed foot hanging on a hook behind him?
Some starved french guy is going to jump on him and eat his legs
Chapulin colorado
EU Skooma hits different.
Most articulate dutch.
Medieval peasant haircut is coming back.
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