Afghan women are erased by the Taliban as the international community looks on

Afghan women are erased by the Taliban as the international community looks on

Posted by newzee1

  1. Unless the French want to go in and fight a long drawn out guerilla war, no one can do anything. It’s upto Afghans to sort out their own shit, and fight for the system they want.

  2. Part of the international community genuinely do not give a fuck.

    Another part kinda doesn’t give a fuck but also tried to remedy the problem, and after decades of efforts the Talibans came back in a couple of weeks.

    So yeah, I kinda understand the resignation on our part. Ultimately it is up to the Afghans themselves to remove the Talibans, and I do believe that this systemic oppression of women is something that too many Afghans have no problems with.

    The Talibans pretty much came back on the red carpet.

  3. The fuck are we supposed to do? We occupied them and tried to encourage the development of a democracy and look at the giant waste of time that was. And money. Fuck em. I don’t ever want to go back to that place. Beautiful country but what a waste of time/money. We should ignore them as long as they don’t harbour terrorist networks anymore.

  4. I am sympathetic to their issue, especially when it comes to suppression of women’s, minorities, or lgbt rights.

    However, the US (my country) intervened for nearly two decades before pulling out, and Aghanistan’s govt collapsed effectively immediately thereafter.  

    This topic is a lot more nuanced that my comment, but my point being that we can’t police those that don’t want it.  

    Good luck. 

    Edit: Added a word

  5. I am sympathetic to their plight, but the only one freeing Afghan women will be Afghan women or Afghan men. This change has to come from within and cannot be external.

  6. Shame on the US and Biden for pulling out. The bulk of the money had already been spent establishing a presence. The expense of staying was minimal at that point.

  7. And what is “the community” supposed to do exactly? The US tried for *twenty years* and the moment they left, Afghanistan went right back to their bullshit. And the US has a LOT of money.

  8. You’d have to get rid of all the religious nut jobs first if there’s any hope for real change, but just like everywhere else in the oppressive Middle East; they’re the ones running the circus.

  9. Bear in mind that now the war is over there is a whole city’s-worth of jobless western and Afghan, “experts”, talking-heads, analysts, researchers etc as well as a vast plethora of Tajik and Hazara warlords (and their relatives) who’s whole careers revolved around a never-ending war with the Taliban.

    Peace is apparently a very bad thing so these people spend their time eating up funding and claiming all sorts of wild nonsense that comes in two forms: exaggerating/lying about the Taliban for a clickbait LGBT/women’s rights audience (while actually ignoring other less headline grabbing abuses), insisting that there is an imminent attack on the west coming from Afghanistan. Both of these narratives are designed to keep these talentless parasites in employment because literally nobody wants them back in Afghanistan and they need to squeeze the last residual amount of funding they didn’t manage to get in the past 20 years from anyone who will listen.

    There’s even a self-proclaimed “former CIA targetting officer” claiming wild shit, like, the Taliban and ISIS were secretly buddies this whole time and they’re teaming up to take down the west.

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