Whistle blower leaked Trump’s Scheme That Has Funneled Millions in Campaign Donations Into His Own Pocket

Whistle blower leaked Trump’s Scheme That Has Funneled Millions in Campaign Donations Into His Own Pocket

Whistle blower leaked Trump’s Scheme That Has Funneled Millions in Campaign Donations Into His Own Pocket

Posted by Postnews001

  1. 1) Nothing will happen.

    2) Republicans will love him even more because he’s good at making money.

  2. Incredibly stupid when you think about it. Not because he’s going to get caught because we know real punishment doesn’t happen to Trump. What is stupid is that he is losing but is still taking that money.

    It feels like he knows he is going to lose but it doesn’t matter because he has other plans. If your plan A will fail you start getting ready for plan B and C.

  3. In reality, for What he did, he should be in prison rotting away with the MAGA cult members.

  4. It’s all he knows how to do. He’s probably running on automatic at this point. Wake up, lie, cheat, lie, steal, lie some more, go to bed. Rinse and repeat.

  5. He behaves like he doesn’t care much whether he wins or loses. He just wanted to grift money and have all the attention 🤷🏼‍♂️

  6. And he gets away with it, gotta get rid of maga/repubs that stand in the way of prosecuting the criminal, get rid at all levels, empty the house and senate!

  7. It’s not just tRump, voting is going on right now, voters have to move the maga/repubs out of government in their local elections!

  8. Trump made millions on the Secret Service at his golf courses.

    Overcharged them for golf carts, meals, hotel rooms, and anything else he could think of…

    Now the The MAGA party is investigating the Secret Service and are upset they turned Trump down for “additional resources” — naw the Secret Service cut off all the government grift.

  9. Uh, yeah. He’s been doing that with all his businesses, charities, and campaigns for decades

  10. I think Trump supporters likely already know this is happening, but does not matter to them sadly

  11. Funny the media doesn’t report any of that. They also haven’t published Roger Stone’s emails. Interesting. 🤔

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