Funny how his supporters can’t tell the difference either.

Funny how his supporters can’t tell the difference either.

Posted by Javasndphotoclicks

  1. MAGA simps knows this convicted felon and adjudicated rapist is full of shit. They just hate Democrats more than they love America.

  2. Even worse his supporters don’t care that he’s a lying, cheating felon. He’s a republican and that all that counts

  3. If it were that simple. They know the difference but the same news story from Fox News etc is spun in his favor. When I was conversing with a maga over the Arlington incident be said “ what incident?” Oh he said the left is pretending to be offended. Nothing really happened there.” They listen to all pro trump media.

  4. You’d be asking a guy who has lied, cheated, and stolen his entire life…to be a decent man. LMAO Good LUCK with that.

  5. The old saw was:

    George Washington “I cannot tell a lie.”

    Richard Nixon “I cannot tell the truth.”

    Ronald Reagan “I cannot tell the difference.”

  6. Lies and truth don’t matter anymore, this is a battle of good and evil where the ones supporting him think they’re on the good side.

  7. The “Kamala lies a lot” commercials crack me up. Like, all of a sudden you care about someone lying to you? Give me a break.

  8. i think i would be very scared and very short-tempered. and i’d lash out trying to grab control of little things.

  9. Your the real clown hear id rather have a racoons nest than someone who is half asleep😂😂😂

  10. Imagine waking up every day so desirous of being a racist or living under the delusion that the GOP will make your life better that you willingly ignore the difference.

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