Trump Laughed at After Claiming He Doesn’t Like People Calling Him ‘Stupid’ — Says He Has ‘a Lot of Geniuses’ in His Family

Trump Laughed at After Claiming He Doesn’t Like People Calling Him ‘Stupid’ — Says He Has ‘a Lot of Geniuses’ in His Family

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. **PSA Reminder:**

    This… “man” went to court to sue (successfully, *for once*) to have his own **elementary school records sealed**.

    Ya’ know, like a *totally* normal — and not-weird — person *would* do.


  2. Ima bet daddy called him stupid and weird.

    Thanks for the hint, Donald.

    Hopefully everyone will drop the pretense that this asshole deserves respect and give him what’s coming.

  3. Diaper Don compares his troubles to those of Al Capone.

    He should switch to Vito Corleone, who only sired one Fredo.

    Junior **and** Eric, & now apparently Barron as well. The trifecta!

    *Nobody* is as prolific at cranking out defects as our Agent Orange.

  4. Yes geniuses…

    *Cuts to jr snorting a line of coke* “love me Daddy!”

    “I’m Eric!”

    “I’m Tiffany! Your other daughter!”

    “I’m the daughter you want to bang!’

    “I’m the son you hate because I’m taller than you!”

  5. Yes. Said geniuses don’t want anything to do with him.

    His own father labeled him a charity case.

  6. Sounds like what a stupid person who doesn’t understand “other geniuses” doesn’t include him would say

  7. >I’m not going to rule out the possibility that there have been smart people in his family. That honestly could be. But you don’t get smart by osmosis. 

    You think you do if you believe in genetic superiority. Good blood, that hasn’t been poisoned by inferior genetics… This is an old idea, as old as the need for whites to justify enslaving non-white peoples by pointing to their genetic inferiority, hence their suitability for animalistic manual labor and subjection. 

  8. I saw an interview he had with Theo Von (sp? Idk🤷‍♂️) where he was talking about his thing on X with Elon and it sounded like he believed everyone was connected into his phone for it. You’d think a genius would know that’s not how it works.

  9. Let’s hope Kamala goes on a monologue during the debate, while Trumps mic is off and lists the stupidest things he has said and done.

    Wanting to nuke a hurricane. Wanting to rake the forests to prevent fires. Using a sharpie to change the projected course of a tornado. Looking directly into a solar eclipse. Saying wind power means you can’t watch TV when the wind isn’t blowing, and electric cars stop in the middle of the road if the sun dips behind a cloud.

    Telling people to drink bleach and eat horse paste to cure COVID. Telling people that Stealth aircraft are actually invisible to the naked eye. Thinking Hillary used a bucket of acid to delete her emails. Telling a kid who called the White House on Christmas that Santa isn’t real.

    Then she can tell him that’s why the United Nations laughed at him, straight in his face. MAGA is 1% of the world’s population, to everybody else he is a joke.

  10. There might be smart people in his family, but he comes the shallow end of the gene pool… and he passed on his seed

  11. “The late William T. Kelley, who taught Trump at the University of Pennsylvania, said, “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.” Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter of “The Art of the Deal,” says Trump had “a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.”

  12. He doesn’t mind calling other people that. Saying that Kamala has a low IQ is just his way of deflecting his weakness, which is a lack of education.

  13. Have a relative with a PHd in mathematics. Doesn’t make me a math genius doggone it. He’s nuts!

  14. Mary Trump is pretty smart. Check out her book “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man”.

  15. He’s not smart, and he is certainly lacking an education. Furthermore… he lacks the ability to make decisions that benefit anyone other than himself. He cannot be trusted with your daughters…. what makes you think he can be trusted with the Nuclear Codes…?

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