Donald Trump, accused by Katie Johnson of raping her at Epstein place when she was 13, Maga republican want her to keep shut.

Donald Trump, accused by Katie Johnson of raping her at Epstein place when she was 13, Maga republican want her to keep shut.

Donald Trump, accused by Katie Johnson of raping her at Epstein place when she was 13, Maga republican want her to keep shut.

Posted by Postnews001

  1. This pedophile needs to go to jail he is a sick piece of garbage.. he is a disgusting human and a waste of flesh 🤮🤮💩🤮🖕🖕🖕🪱🪱🍔🍔💩

  2. She needs to stay loud and get some protection for her safety. But she is entirely believable and she needs to get her story out . How terrible for her as well. My heart goes out to her

  3. Who knows how many women/girls the orange piece of shit has forced to do thing’s like that🤬

  4. This woman was denied entry to the list of Epstein victims when his estate was dealt out. She has tried four times to file a civil suit against Trump. The first time was thrown out as frivolous by an Obama appointed judge and the other three times were pulled by her lawyers for lack of evidence.

  5. She’s not the only kid he raped. Trump is a serial child rapist. If it’s an animal and it has a vagina, he’ll seriously think about raping it. Makes me wonder if trees are safe around him, too.

  6. Do we have to wait another 4 years for another Donald j trump rape trial…. Even Fox News knows he’s raped that 13 year old girl!!!!

  7. Yeah, I’m sure this is a super credible report that she decided to sit on the first 2 times he ran for the presidency and just decided to speak out now… yall are delusional

  8. Of all his crimes including January 6th, this is the one that makes me hate him more than anything on God’s green earth. Her deposition is heart-wrenching and very very believable. Details are sick

  9. I like trump and I dont want her to keept quiet, put her on every news channel. They call him teflon don for a reason.

  10. Weird how Republicans are suddenly not interested in the names in Epstein’s little black book.

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