Oil refinery in Moscow part 1

by FancyCoolHwhip

  1. yeah that will be shut down a while…its a complex structure that is a dangerous a working place even before an explosion…remember when a butane storage exploded in one took out 180 workers 30 died.

    they will have to replace fix and inspect everything else…unless they want ti to explode on its own again.

  2. A lot of shooting….and a lot of MISSES!.
    The ~~S~~ N. Korean ammo must be all out-of-round with weak janky powder.

  3. Can you imagine having AA over DC because a special military operation that went awry?..crazy world

  4. It’s just shrapnel from the obviously succesfully intercepted drone that hit the oil refinery…

  5. Why do I have the sentence “they hit the tower” in my head. Either way, a proper splendid job from the drone operator.

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