‘He’s on our side’: Video shows Trump cheering on supporter who attacked press at PA rally

‘He’s on our side’: Video shows Trump cheering on supporter who attacked press at PA rally


Posted by wonderingsocrates

  1. how can he respect the press when he doesn’t respect truth. the man is an infectious disease that infected near half our population. maybe the press will now use what passion they have left and start cutting him down with facts and vigor — our nation needs to see him for the massive egocentric liar that he is.

  2. We have identified 70 mm of the 170 mm registered voters in the US that are dumb enough to support this cretin. Now we need for the other 100 mm to vote for Harris and let him know what the normal citizen thinks.

  3. So, people are still fine with voting for this guy? How can one man do and say enough shit to get 50 politicians in an irrecoverable mess, but he just keeps going? I don’t believe in the deep state, but I’m positive that if they do exist, they are using all their power and influence on propping Trump up.

  4. This is the first I’ve heard about this. The fucking mainstream media who is working overtime to normalize this fascist will get what they deserve if Trump wins.

  5. Even you are not on your side! If you commit a crime and get sent to prison neither MAGA nor the turdbomb will care about it.

  6. That is incitement. But that’s not the surprising part, we are all used to agent orange setting his zombies onto his enemies. The surprising part is the press still presents him in a positive light.

  7. He supports any violence or anarchy. Jan 6th he wanted to go check it out because they were only after democrats. The man is a threat to your children, your bodies, your finances, and your lives. Vote Blue on every ballot.

  8. Being on the “side” of a criminal could get one in legal trouble.. 💙🌊💙🌊

  9. Being on the “side” of a criminal could get one in legal trouble.. 💙🌊💙🌊

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